Last Week...

Picture of the Week: A Day at the Beach

Gracie's reading tutor wanted her to read out loud every day, so she read Christmas stories to Perry.

We made Christmas Rice Krispy treats for dessert.

Perry was being silly when I woke her up for school.

The girls found Clarabelle sitting in a bowl of marshmallows when they woke up one morning.

We had a pretty sunrise as we drove to school.

Perry played her Vampirina guitar and sang us songs.

We snuggled on the couch while we watched the Golden Knights game.

Clarabelle was up to more nonsense, and we found our kitchen covered in Post-Its on Thursday.

I saw this and thought it was so perfect, since I do most of the Christmas shopping around here.

Perry wanted to stay under the covers instead of getting ready for school.

We had a rain day, and the clouds were really low when we left the house.

Clarabelle brought the girls a gingerbread house kit, so they did that Friday night.

They all wanted to be carried by Daddy Saturday morning.

Perry told us she was going to the store, and she kept coming in and talking to us about it for about thirty minutes. She was hilarious and had us cracking up.

We left for our California trip early Sunday morning, and there was some thick fog near state line. It made me nervous to drive through it, because you could barely see in front of you.

We made it Newport and took a walk down the pier. Charley wasn't too happy as she really wanted to go play on the beach.

We finally made it down there, and the girls had a blast running and jumping through the waves. It was freezing, but they couldn't care less.

Perry has never really been a fan of the ocean, so she stuck to the sand for a while.

Daddy finally talked her into checking out the water, and then we couldn't keep her out of it.

She brought me seashells that she found and face planted more than once, so she ended up in her undies.

We love the beach so much. I could sit and watch the girls run in the waves forever, but soon it was time to grab some lunch. We ate at Dory's Deli and had the best fish and chips before hitting up our favorite donut shop, Seaside Bakery.

After a few hours at the beach, we headed to Anaheim to get ready for the next few days in Disneyland.

See you next week!

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