Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Christmas at Bellagio

The girls had dress up days for school, since it was the last week before break. Grace's teacher sent us this picture of all the kids in their holiday headgear.

We had our Christmas party for all of our field guys at work on Monday, and it was so fun. We always raffle off all kinds of gifts from cash to household products to kids' bikes. It's always fun to watch the guys expressions when they win.

Perry watched Polar Express before bed and loved it.

Grace's class had pajama day on Friday, and they all brought board games to play.

Brielle came over with Grandpa and Grandma, and she and Perry had fun playing with baby dolls.

The girls had a sleepover with Grandpa and Grandma on Saturday. They love when they get to spend time with their cousins. Grandma even let them make cookies!

Sunday morning, we went to the Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. They always change it for every season, and Christmas is the best each year.

The girls' favorite part was the train. They loved waiting for it to come around and got excited every time.

While we were there, we had to stop by the chocolate fountain. I always dream of being able to just lay under it and eat allll the chocolate.

After the Bellagio, we headed to the movie theater to watch The Grinch. It was super cute, and Perry ate her weight in popcorn. She also had a hotdog, some sour straws, an Icee, and Dibs.

She passed out with about five minutes left of the movie, and Daddy had to carry her out.

We had plans to drive around, drink hot cocoa, and check out everyone's Christmas lights that night. Unfortunately, all of the junk from the movies caught up to Perry, and she started throwing up. We decided to stay home to be safe, and she slept on me for most of the night. She was fine the next morning, thank goodness!

We had a fun week getting ready for Christmas! We can't wait to celebrate it next week. See ya then!

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