Never Grow Up
Charley Anne Espejo My beautiful, smart, silly, sweet, snuggly, lovable baby girl is now One.Year.Old. It doesn't seem possible. It felt like she stayed a baby forever and then, once she hit five months, she grew taller, faster, stronger, started crawling then walking, laughing then singing, babbling, and trying to talk. She turned into a toddler all of the sudden. My absolute favorite thing that this sweet girl does is run over to me with this huge goofy grin and throw her whole body into my arms, lay her head on my shoulder, wrap her arms around me, and look up into my eyes with the sweetest smile I've ever seen. She does this quite often, and I hope she'll never stop. Charley is not as independent as Grace was at this age. She'll play on her own and even "read" books to herself, but she still needs her Mommy to hold her, hug her, and kiss her frequently. She now runs all over the house chasing her sister from room to ...