If you Like Piña Coladas

Every year, when the weather starts to get warm, I remember how much I love summer.

Spending time by the pool or lake is one of our absolute favorite things to do.

I'm proud to say that this love of water has carried on in Grace.

She has a blast EvErY time she gets to play in water (even if it's just in the bathtub).

This Saturday, we invited our friends over to my mom's house for another pool day.

Cash even got to come since my mom's dogs were out of town with her.

We got there pretty early, so Grace and Daddy practiced walking around the pool while Cash got right in:

I remembered that my mom had gotten Grace a cute little hat that would protect her from the sun before she was even born.

I tracked it down, and it was perfect:

Isaac said she looked like a hunter.

We got Grace's water toy out and she splashed around everywhere:

(How cute is that little tongue sticking out?!)

Matt and Isaac took turns throwing a ball for Cash to fetch:

Frannie and Grace watched Cash swim back and forth in the pool:

Grace had fun with her best friends:

We spent the entire day sipping on piña coladas, getting our tan on, and gossiping for hours.

I can't wait to spend every Saturday this summer just like this one!!

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