This Week...

...Grace got her first ice cream cone. She really liked it...even more so when she discovered she could squeeze it and her fingers would go through the cone. Then she asked for mine. I let her hold it, and she squished mine too:

...Grace went to pre-school for the first time and hated it.

...she gave Cash lots of hugs:

...I put Grace in her pack n' play to nap and she started crying. I was starving, so I ate some lunch really quick and when I came back to check on her she was passed out like this:

...I tried to teach Grace to say Olivia:

...Isaac ate lunch with Grace since she's been hanging out at the office lately:

...she loves her Tinkerbell movie and alternates it with The Little Mermaid while we work:

...she's gotten reallllly good at walking. Baby girl can practically run. She has a certain path she likes to take around the furniture and follows it over and over again:

...Grace shared her new "beach Olivia" with Cash:

...she passed out on the couch at our Friday night dinner with Kasie and Jeremy:

...she slept like a little baby angel during nap time on Saturday:

...we went to the Shark Reef with Kasie and Jeremy.

...Grace got her toenails painted for the first time. I went to get a pedicure and let her pick the color out of four options. She kept picking two colors and really liked this one, so when I got home, I painted her toe nails. She kept trying to paint them herself and messing them up. It wasn't an easy task, but we got it done:

...she played with Jeremy for the last time before he left for football season. He plays for the Toronto Argonauts and spends about six months up in Canada for the season. Make sure you watch all of his games and root for the Argos! Good luck this season Uncle Jeremy:

...we got the very first tomatoes off of our plant and they were DELISH:

See ya next week!

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