Happy First Birthday Brodin!!

Grace's friend Brodin turned one (already?) on May 19th, so we went to the park to celebrate his first birthday.

We were super excited to see him and his family.

It was gorgeous out and Grace couldn't wait to play.

She and Brodin hung out in the grass, which Grace obviously didn't like too much:
 (see foot being held up in the air)

Then Grace practiced her walking skills:

She's really getting pretty good at it.

She drank some juice and showed off "the lip":

Grace hung out with Grammy:

Walked around with Daddy:

And played cars with Brodin:

Then she stole his juice box:

(Little stinker!!!)

Brodin got a cool new quad for his birthday, so he and Grace both tried it out:

Then, Brodin got to open all of his other presents and the pinata. He had fun grabbing all of the candy that fell:

Next up was the cake. Brodin wasn't too sure about it at first, but he still got into it:

After the cake, we spent time tickling Grace and enjoying the day:

Before we left, Auntie Geni took Grace through the water park. 

She didn't enjoy that AT ALL:

We dried her off and took her home to nap, because baby girl was so tired, she fell asleep the second we put her in the car:

Happy Birthday, Brodin Bear!!

We had so much fun and can't wait to play again soon!

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