All Jumped Out

Lately, we've been going to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's once a week so they can spend some time with Grace.

This is working out really well, because Isaac's mom watches her on Mondays, my mom watches her Tuesday through Thursday, and my Grandma and Poppa watch her on Fridays. 

This only leaves my dad for us to try and go see during the week. We try to catch up with him for dinner or invite him over to play one evening each week.

It's so great having all of this family so close to us.

This week when we went to visit them, Grace and Isaac brought their swimsuits so they could go for a swim.

First, they checked out the pool.

They decided to jump on the trampoline for a bit before going swimming.

Grace wasn't so sure about it, but she got a little more used to it the longer she stayed on it:

When she was all jumped out, she changed into her swimsuit and went for a dip with Daddy.

Grace played with pool toys and splashed around:

Daddy took her to play in the waterfall.

They worked on her swimming skills.

And Butkus even got in on the action.

Grace had lots of fun swimming, but loved seeing her grandparents, auntie, and uncle even more!

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