This Week...

...Uncle Zacarias came to spend some time with Grace on Monday. He's been super busy with fire season, so it was really great that she got to see him:

...Isaac and Grace read stories together:

...Grace posed for pictures in her cute new shirt that Alex sent her for her birthday:

...she played in the bath and gave Elmo kisses:

...Daddy made vanilla milkshakes for dessert one night because they're his favorite. Apparently they're Grace's favorite, too:

...we watched Jeremy's game with Kasie and her parents, and it really wore Grace out:

...she learned to gasp:

...Grace watched Olivia while Daddy slept in:

...she watched the rain beat down in the sun roof in the car as we drove:

...Isaac and I hung drapes over our sliding glass door while Grace watched and helped as much as she could:

That's all for now!

See ya next week :)

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