This Week...

...we went to Grandma and Grandpa Espejo's to watch fireworks on the fourth.

...Grace walked around dragging Olivia everywhere she went:

...Grace learned how to blow on her food to cool it off:

...she found the toilet paper and proceeded to remove every last square of it from the roll:

...we played inside Grace's ball house on Saturday morning:

...Grace realllly enjoyed watching cartoons in bed Sunday:

...we got lots of rain. Every day would start out sunny and end up with some awesome thunder storms:

...Grace went swimming with her cousins. We don't get to see them that often so we made sure to spend lots of time with them that day. She had a lot of fun playing with them:

...we headed up to Utah for the Moyes' Family Reunion.

That's all for now! See ya next week.

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