This Kid Can Sleep Anywhere (Happy Fourth!!)

This Fourth of July, Isaac and I both had to work.

We were kind of bummed because we wanted to spend the day barbecuing by the pool with Grace, but it turned out to be a good thing. It's so much easier to get actual work done at work when there aren't many phone calls or people interrupting you all day long.

Isaac's mom, Lisa, watches Grace on Mondays, so she sent us this cute picture to brighten up our day:

When we got home, we took a quick picture of Grace in her American gear before heading to Grandma and Grandpa Espejo's house to CeLeBrAte:

After visiting for a while, we all headed to the neighbor's house for some great food and adorable little cupcakes that Elisha made:

Once we were all extremely full and the sun started to go down, it was time for fireworks (the best part).

We got the chairs all set up and sat down to enjoy the show:

I was really surprised that Grace wasn't afraid of the fireworks:

Daddy held her when they started, and she couldn't take her eyes off of them:

There was huge variety from bright, loud fireworks that sat on the ground to huge ones that lit up the sky. Not only did our group have some awesome ones, but the people a few houses down and ones across the street had some big ones. It was So PrEtty to watch them all around us:

Grace switched off between Mommy and Daddy as we watched the colors explode in the sky:

Isaac and Elisha played with the Roman candles while I watched from the sidelines. I don't know why, but fireworks really make me NeRvOuS:

Kasie went to watch a big firework show with her parents, but afterwards they all stopped by to hang out for a bit.

We played with some sparklers.

(they're little so they're not as scary):

We had a great time and Grace even stayed up until ten having fun:

Once she got tired, she fell asleep on Daddy's lap while the fireworks were still going off.

I swear, this kid can sleep anywhere:

I hope everyone else had as much fun as we did!!

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