Thirty Minute Escape

Saturday morning, we headed out to Lake Mead to spend the weekend on my parent's houseboat.

It's always a fun time when we hang out there, so we were really looking forward to it.

We arrived just as my mom was leaving to go back into town for a bit, so we hung out in the boat waiting for her.

Grace played captain and steered the ship:

When she was done, we changed into our swim suits to go play in the water:

Right after we changed, Grace decided it was time for a nap.

I put her downstairs to sleep while Kasie and I went for a ride on the jet skis.

We rode ALL over the lake and even went to see the Dam and the stunning new bridge that was built above it.

As soon as we got back, Grace woke up (it was really perfect timing), and we went outside to swim.

This year, Grace got a new life jacket. The one we got her last year was an infant one and it was too small back then.

I was nervous that she'd hate it and wouldn't wear it, but she didn't seem to mind it at all:

It was so hot outside, and the water was perfect. 

We had so much fun soaking up the sun:

After our day on the lake, we went inside for dinner and then showered up.

Grace and I danced in the living room while we waited for the others to finish getting ready:

Since we planned on leaving Grace with Grammy and heading to the dock bar, Isaac and I gave Grace a quick bath in the shower:

Afterwards, we headed to the bar, ran into some old friends from high school, and had a great time.

The next morning, Isaac fed Grace cupcakes for breakfast:

After she ate, we hung out on the back of the boat to take in the gorgeous weather.

Somehow, the lake looked like the ocean when we went out there:

We relaxed for a bit before heading back home:

What a great weekend! It's so nice to be able to drive thirty minutes and have an escape like this. I have so many childhood memories at Lake Mead and can't wait for Grace to make some, too!

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