This Week...

...I caught Grace sneaking out of her pack n play mid movie:

Lil' escape artist

...I snapped a few pictures of Grace playing in the bath:

...Gracie wore her cutest outfit yet, complete with Uggs:

...Noah found this hat and asked me "if Santa left it at Gracie's house":

...we put up our Christmas tree and decorated the house. We have almost all of the lights up but will be adding more with the neighbors in a couple of weeks, so I'll wait to show you the pictures until it's complete. Grace is obsessed with the tree and had so much fun helping Mommy decorate it:

Apparently, Christmas trees are delicious!

Putting ornaments on the tree

These are Grace's favorite. She especially likes taking the tops off and dumping the little balls all over the floor.

Little Tenley even came over and slept the whole time:

What a big help she was!

Grace liked watching her sleep though:

...we took Grace shopping at Toys R Us, and she showed us everything she wants for Christmas:

...Grace practiced brushing her own teeth like a big girl:

...I found some cute decorations that matched our tree at a few different stores, borrowed a hot glue gun from my mom, and made my very own wreath for the front door:

...I washed all of our bedding, and Grace jumped in the pile of pillows and sheets on the floor. It did look super comfy:

...I also washed all of Grace's blankies. When I took them out of the dryer and threw them on her, she instantly laid down and fell asleep:

...Grace ate Otter Pops with Daddy:

See ya next week :)

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