Three Thanksgivings

Holidays are always super busy for us. Since we have four families, we spend most of the day traveling from family to family.

We've been out of town the past few Thanksgivings, either in San Diego or up at the cabin, but after everything that's been going on recently, we decided we should stay in town to see the family over the holiday.

Our day started with cleaning and packing since we were still planning on heading up to Utah for the weekend. Around ten, we headed to our first stop: Isaac's dad's house.

Grace was ready for a nap by then, so Uncle Zac snuggled with her while she slept:

We took a few pictures while waiting for the turkey to finish up:

When it was ready, Grandpa carved it up, and we all sat down to eat:

Grace ate lots of corn and then enjoyed making faces at everyone in the mirror by the table:

After the first delicious meal of the day, we took one more picture before heading to our next stop:

Next up was my Dad's house. Grace played with Gran while Dad cooked:

We then sat down for our second Thanksgiving meal:

Finally, we headed to our last stop at Isaac's mom's house. Grace napped on the way over there:

Her husband Craig's parents came in town for the weekend, so we got to hang out with them for a while too:

I must admit that I've never really enjoyed Thanksgiving. I'm always looking forward to Christmas, and I don't really care for turkey, stuffing, or pumpkin pie. This year though, I ate a full plate of food at each house! My excuse is that I'm eating for two.

I'm so thankful that we have four absolutely wonderful families and that we got to spend some special time with each of them. Family is what life is all about, and we have FOUR beautiful ones.

Thanksgiving is all about being thankful for what we have. I have SO SOOO much to be thankful for, but the things at the top of my list are:

My Beautiful, Happy Baby Girl
My Second Baby Girl That's Still Cookin'
My Amazing Husband
My Wonderful Families
The Greatest Friends in the World
Awesome Neighbors
My Great Job
Football Season
Christmas Lights
College Basketball

Now we get to spend the rest of the weekend relaxing up at the cabin. Can't wait!!

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