Meant to Be


Suprise...Isaac and I are expecting again.

Gracie Boo is going to be a big sister:

We should have ourselves another cuddly, little baby right around April 26th.

The official due date is May 2nd, but since I had a cesarean with Grace, I'll have one scheduled this time around.

It all started a couple of months ago...

I have a picture frame from Grace's baby shower that has a space for each month up until her first birthday. As I was upstairs trying to find pictures of Grace from the past year, I came across her newborn pictures (that were actually taken at two months). I kept looking through them remembering all of the fun things about Grace being a tiny baby. She was so adorable and cuddly. I got this sudden, overwhelming feeling that it was time for another baby. Isaac and I had always talked about having a second, but didn't want to try until November or even January. This feeling was so strong that I really started thinking about it. We knew that some of our best friends, Kasie and Jeremy, were planning on getting married in June, so we would have a few weeks after the birth to prepare for a wedding. We also have a trip to Nebraska planned for June of next year for Isaac's great grandma's ninetieth birthday. Wouldn't it be much more fun to take a baby with us rather than be six or seven months pregnant when we travel back there?

It really would be the perfect time. The problem was that I thought about it so late that we only had two weeks to get pregnant, or we'd have to wait until at least November so that we could make the wedding and trip to Nebraska. On August seventh, the fun began. After two weeks, we stopped trying and doubted that anything would come of it. I was still nursing Grace, so I was all over the place and had no idea about the timing.

On August twenty-third, we got Memphis Barbecue for dinner. We eat there all the time, but this particular time was different. The ranch tasted SO ranchy, the barbecue sauce was super strong, and the sweet tea was the best I'd ever had. At that moment, I just knew. We went to get snowcones with The Sebastians and planned to meet up to play outside when we got home. I had Isaac stop at CVS so I could grab a pregnancy test. I didn't really think it'd be positive yet, but I wanted to try anyways just for fun.

We got home and Grace and Isaac went outside to play while I ran into the bathroom. After two tries (just to be sure) the results were in:

I ran outside to tell them the exciting news, and we couldn't believe it. We got pregnant with Grace so easily that I just knew it would be more difficult the second time around. Apparently not. It truly felt like it was meant to be!

I scheduled some doctor's appointments and they wanted to do an early ultrasound to check on the dates:

(Little jumping bean at 9 weeks.)

 Turns out we were off by a week and the actual due date was determined to be May 2nd, 2012. 

We've been going back and forth on whether we want another girl or a boy. It'd be really great for Grace to have a sister, but if we have a boy it means that we can stop at two kids if we decide to. Hmmm...

Here we are six weeks later at fifteen and a half weeks. We had our 4d ultrasound this morning to determine the sex of the baby.

Are you ready for it?

Are you sure?


Isaac is a little disappointed, but I couldn't be more excited. Grace is going to have a little sister to boss around and teach new things to. The best part is, we don't even have to buy anything. The only thing I've got my eye on is this awesome stroller from Britax. I'll definitely have one of these by the time baby number two is born (it converts to a double):

Other than that, I think we're ready to roll. I don't even think I'll do a nursery this time around since Grace hasn't ever used hers. We ordered the toddler rails for Grace's crib, so as soon as those come in January she'll be in her big girl bed. I'm pretty sure we'll put it in our room though. I'm just not comfortable having her sleep all the way upstairs all alone. Plus, I like having her close to me.

We haven't decided on any names yet, but we're considering Hailey, Sawyer, and Gabriella. I'm sure we'll come up with quite a few more in the next twenty-threeish weeks. My plan is to wait until we see the munchkin's face to decide on a name. We'll see if I can wait that long :)

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