Last Week...

...Noah drove Grace around in her new ride since she can't reach the pedals just yet:

...Grace hung out on her front porch chatting away on the phone:

...we spent the day after Christmas re-arranging our house. I was ready to take the tree down since we put it up two weeks before Christmas, and we had to move the furniture from our formal living room upstairs to fit all of the toys Grace got for Christmas in the house. She absolutely loves her new play area and even helped Isaac and I set it all up:

...Isaac spent time teaching Grace her animal sounds. She's got them down pretty good:

...Grace and Daddy colored together and played in her new play room:

...Grace helped Mommy vacuum the living room:

...she ate Holiday Oreos and thoroughly enjoyed them:

...she watched movies in her favorite 'Olivia' chair before bath time:

...I got a picture of baby girl's pretty, long hair while it was wet. When it dries, it curls up and looks short. I so wish my hair did that:

...we ate dinner at Memphis Barbecue and Gracie got down on some rolls with honey butter and pulled pork (that's my girl!!):

...we spent New Year's Eve with our amazing neighbors.

...Cash got a giant New Year's present in the form of a very large bone;

...Grace woke up in a great mood on Sunday, so we spent the whole day at home playing together:

...she demolished some stickers and then worked on her cheer moves:

...we got a new washer and dryer! I put a load of laundry in our washer before we left for dinner one night, and when we came home, there was water on the floor of the laundry room. It wasn't a ton of water and all of the hoses seemed dry so we decided to run another load to find out where the leak was coming from. We ended up running 4 loads, and it never leaked again. I had been begging asking Isaac for a new washer and dryer for a couple of years because our old ones were the oldest, cheapest models at the time we got them, and we've been having minor issues with our washer for quite some time. 

I started researching front loaders on-line and after reading billions of reviews, consumer reports, and comparing different features, I discovered that Samsung was the best brand. Once we decided on the ones we wanted, I started shopping around for the best price.

I looked at several different websites and Lowe's had them for 40% off all of the other places. This made me nervous that something was wrong with them, so we went to the store and they were much more expensive. We also went to Sears, but they couldn't price match them from Lowe's on-line price because when they called Lowe's, they kept telling them that the price was wrong. Isaac and I decided to order them ASAP just in case the price changed and we missed out on such a great deal. When he went to pick them up that day, he asked the guy about it and was informed that it was the last set from their Black Friday sale and they had to sell these last ones at the lower price per their contract with Samsung. SCORE

We saved so much that we were even able to get the pedestals. I absolutely love those! Not only does it make the washer and dryer sit up much higher which is better on my back, we can store all of our detergents, softeners, and dryer sheets in them so we have more cabinet space in that room. Every time I walk past the laundry room now I feel soooo happy. Kasie made a comment that you know we're starting to get old, because we get so excited about household appliances. She's totally right:

My favorite part is the little song they play when the load is finished. I'm in love!

See ya next week :)

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