Last Week...

...I had a monthly check-up with Dr. Tyre and got to hear the baby's heartbeat again. It's awesome each and every time. Everything is still going great. I have to take the glucose test in the next week or not looking forward to that!

...I met up with some old friends from middle/high school and we went to grab a bite to eat and catch up. It was so much fun to hang out with the girls for a few hours and reminisce about old times. Can't wait to do it again:

...Gracie brought orange slices home from Grammy's and devoured them in the car:

...Isaac's flag football team started their season while we were in Nebraska, so this week he had his first game. Of course Gracie and I went to watch him get his touchdown's:

...Grandpa Rick stopped by the house during the day to play with Grace and her dollhouse that he got her for Christmas:

...poor baby fell asleep in the shopping cart at the grocery store. I swear this kid can nap anywhere:

...we made tacos for dinner with Poppa and Gran, and Grace got caught sneaking into the cheese:

(Like father, like daughter)

...Grace worked on hamming it up. Uncle Zac sent me this picture Friday while Isaac and I were at work:

...Tenley came over to play, and Grace taught her how to clap:

She also gave her the binky when she cried:

...Daddy and Grace wrestled:

...we went to Marie Callender's for breakfast and discovered that kids eat free on Saturdays. It was sooo good! I think that's our new Saturday morning breakfast spot:

...I asked Grace if she wanted to help Mommy do laundry. She immediately ran into the bathroom and brought her potty/step stool into the laundry room. She loves to help out with chores around the house. I'm hoping that lasts forever:

...we made (and ate) Valentine's Day cookies since Matt and Frannie came over to watch the UNLV game:

(Don't mind the hairdo. We are growing her bangs out, and it's the only way to keep them from hanging in her eyes.)

...Grace kept Elmo nearby all week and hugged him whenever possible:

See ya next week :)

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