Last Week...

...we had Memphis Barbecue for dinner twice! Gracie loves her mac & cheese:

...Grandpa caught Gracie smoothing out the bottom of her already baby soft feet with Grammy's foot file while Nikki supervised. She's so smart:

...Grace changed Elmo's diaper while we were at Daddy's football game:

...she was a major cheese ball when I told her to smile for a picture:

...she brought all of her blankies home from Grammy's house on Thursday and thoroughly enjoyed sleeping with all of them and all of her blankies from home:

...we went all the way across town to check out double strollers and decided on this amazing City Select one. Grace and Elmo loved it, and it has so many more options/features than the others. Plus, it's the prettiest:

While we were there, Grace (obviously) wanted this giant Elmo. Once Isaac saw that it was $60, he was determined to hide it. He enticed her with a puppy instead. Then he saw a cuter puppy and tried to trade her, but she wanted both. I made the mistake of showing her an even cuter one, and she cried when I took it back. Daddy bought all three:

While we were at the store, we also came across this awesome/adorable bed for Grace. She loved to climb up the stairs, but would just jump off into our arms instead of climbing down them. We'll definitely be waiting a couple more years before upgrading:

...Grace woke up in a photogenic mood. I took a picture of her, and she kept running around saying, "more! more!". Naturally, I complied with her orders and snapped a few more shots:

...we also took her bowling for the first time ever. She was so intrigued watching other people bowl:

Once it was her turn, she was kind of afraid. She'd push the ball and run away:

Zacarias and Stefanie came to meet us, and once she saw them she was fine. I think she likes to show off:

(Look at those shoes. Just look at them! Gahhhhh)

She was so cute waiting for her ball to come back, and then she'd run over to push it again. She even waited until it hit the pins to see how she did:

See ya next week :)

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