Last Week...

...we had Monday off of work for the New Year's holiday, and it was so nice to sleep in and get to spend an extra day with baby cakes. I think she really enjoyed being around us a little more than usual too!

...Grace played with Elmo and Cookie Monster. She has this crazy, new love for Elmo and asks for him allll the time. It's so cute when she's right in the middle of something, and stops to say, "ahh Ehmo?" (where's Elmo?):

...Grace, Noah, and Easton played with Grace's chalk that Cash got her for Christmas. They had so much fun coloring all over our sidewalk:

...we met Kasie for lunch since she had Monday off too:

After we ate, we shopped around for a bit and Grace posed with the mannequins:

...we finally went out and got a Blu Ray player. Grace got a few movies for Christmas, and we haven't stopped buying movies since, because we love it so much. Grace was sleepy and totally ready for a nap when we got to the store:

(Poor kid!!)

So we laid her down in the cart to sleep while we finished shopping:

After shopping, we went home so Grace could nap, but she saw Noah and Easton outside and decided she'd rather stay out and play.

A little later that evening, we went out to dinner with them and Grace couldn't keep her little eyes open. Daddy snuggled her during dinner:

(Ahhhh, that lip kills me!)

...we finally put Grace's "big girl bed" together. She loves tools and had lots of fun helping Daddy tighten all the screws:

...Chance and Maverick (more neighbor friends) came out to play with Grace after work on Wednesday:

They also had fun coloring with her chalk. Grace wanted Mav to sit down and play with her, so she kept pulling his hand down towards the ground. When he just stared at her and didn't comply, she went around and pushed him from behind. She's become quite the little boss! I'm glad she's a tough cookie and not too much of a softy, although we will be working on trying to be a little nicer:

...Grace slept in her own bed, believe it or not. I did let her get in our bed when she woke up around 12:30 the first night, though. It's sad for me to have her sleeping in a bed next to mine rather than right next to me snuggling. I figure a little each night will get her used to it so that by the time new baby comes, it'll be normal:

...Grace wore her new Titans beanie to Grammy's:

(Thanks, Aunt Susie!)

...Grace and Isaac played with rubber duckies in the bath and made bubbles:

...Isaac's great grandma suddenly passed away so we made an unexpected trip to Nebraska. Although it was not under the best circumstances, we got to spend a whole week out there visiting all of our family. It was so great to have so much time to spend with them all!

Posts and pictures from the trip are up next.

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