
Last Saturday, I was aware of a 40% off sale that Gap was having on some of their older items that they needed to get rid of. I think it's well documented now that I have a ridiculous addiction to buying my girls new outfits for every day of their life.

I shopped online and picked out all of the items I wanted, and then proceeded to close out of the window and drag my adorable little family down to Town Square to purchase the items in person (who wants to wait on FedEx when you can get it NOW?!).

Luckily, the weather was ahhhmazing, so we made a day of it and spent a few hours enjoying some time outdoors.
We started off shopping in a few stores where I got a cute new dress, and Grace got some new sunglasses. She insisted on carrying the bag.
(My little shopaholic.)
Then I remembered that I had a gift card to Victoria's Secret, so we stopped in there for a few more things.

As we headed over the bridge to the other side of Town Square, Daddy had to stop and let Charley look at the water because she kept oohing and ahhing over it.

Grace always tells us that her "tummy hurts soo bad" when she's hungry. She's over the top a bit dramatic. After a couple of those and an "I'm soo dwinky (her word for thirsty)", we decided to grab some Strawberry Lemonade and Wetzel's Preztel Bits to enjoy on the lawn.
Charley loved chowing down on them, and Grace loved feeding them to the birds.

(Big girl standing on her own!)

Charley practiced walking to Daddy.

And Gracie made some friends.
She loves playing with other kids and makes new friends everywhere we go. So cute!

Next, we headed over to the little park to play. 

Grace had a blast running through the maze, and whenever she'd find a dead end, she'd make me hide there with her until Daddy and Charley found us.

She noticed this merry-go-round that a lot of older, bigger kids were playing on, so of course she wanted to join in. The boys were spinning this thing around so fast, and I was a little nervous. Whenever I'd ask Grace if she was ready to get off, she'd say, "No. I'll hold on." I think I reminded her to "hold on tight" like one hundred times.

Charley wasn't interested, so she played with Daddy instead.
Once I finally talked Grace into getting off the spinning machine, she played on the slides and danced around with her "friends" on the stage.
(Those curls are ridiculous. This particular morning, we didn't have time for baths, so I just brushed her hair and stuck a bow in the front. This is how her hair looked about two hours later. People always ask me if I put her hair in curlers or used a curling iron. Umm, you think I curled my toddlers hair? Ain't nobody got time for that! Whyyyy can't my hair do this??)
When we finally made it to Gap, Grace found a hat and sunglasses that she liked. She tried them on, walked over to the mirror, and shook her groove thang all over the place.
Unfortunately, we already had everything cute that they had to offer in the store, so we only bought one dress for Charley. Buttttt, Isaac got new running shoes since he's been running all over the neighborhood lately, and I got to spend the rest of the afternoon buying Gap out of stock on all their cute summer clothes.
You know what was even better? I got an email the next day that my order had partially shipped. I went online to see what was coming, and they were having a 30% off sale, not only on the old stuff, but on everything. I purchased the exact same order and saved $53.31! So, obviously I just ordered an extra couple of outfits to meet my prior budget.
I have no idea why I am so obsessed with buying clothes for my kids.
Seriously...if anyone knows of any sort of rehab for this type of addiction I'm willing to look into it.

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