Last Week...

...Grace and I got some flowers and clovers for St. Patrick's Day to plant in the back yard. She and Charley had so much fun playing in the dirt and planting the seeds. I'm sure Grace's favorite part was watering them with her butterfly spray bottle:

...the girls and I had ice cream sandwiches after all of that hard work:

...Grace changed Leila's diaper. She asked me for a new one (she has baby doll diapers upstairs in her playroom), and I told her just to put the same one back on. Her response? "Mom! That one has poop in it!":

...Charley practiced walking some more. She's very determined, but not quite there yet:

...we watered the girls' flowers on Tuesday. They thought that was more fun than planting them:

...Charley munched on some banana wheels while Grace got ready for swim lessons:

...Charley shared crackers with Daddy while watching Gracie swim:

...we went to Montesano's to celebrate my birthday with my family. My mom surprised me with some beautiful flowers, balloons, clothes, and candles. Meanwhile, Grace got a whole plateful of cookies from our awesome waiter. Hubby gave me the most beautiful necklace ever. He actually gave it to me a few days before my birthday (because big mouth Grace face told me about it the second I walked in the door from getting my nails done), and I was shocked. It's so pretty, and the three stones represent the three most important people in my life: Isaac, Grace, and Charley. It's perfect!

I had a great birthday and am so thankful for everyone in my life. I can't even imagine what joy another year will bring to it.

...Charley snuggled with me in bed:
Those Lashes!!

Those Lips!!

...we hung out on the couch after work:

...we continued with our healthy eating habits and made a delicious garlic, soy salmon with corn and pasta:

...we ate dinner at Jason's Deli one night, and Charley loved the mac and cheese:

...Grace got the new Wreck it Ralph movie and has literally watched it fourteen hundred times:

...I started working from home on Thursday nights. Our company is so incredibly bust that it's impossible for me to get all of my work done at the office unless I take more time away from my kids. Since they're more important, I decided to bring stuff home to work on instead. Grace has a blast coloring all over my paperwork while I'm not looking. We had to move our computer downstairs, because it helped me get my work done way faster than working on my laptop:

 ...Charley slept in our bed a lot. Girl has one molar that's popped through and you can feel the outline of the other three under her gums. She hasn't had any other symptoms than wanting to sleep by her mama. I can't say that I'm complaining though. I'm actually loving the extra time with her. We don't get a lot of time to ourselves with little miss Grace face demanding so much attention:

...we had a gorgeous, rainy day:

...Charley slept in her Minnie Mouse onesie:
...she tried to help Daddy fix things around the house. Both of my girls just love tools and watching or helping Daddy put things together. We got them a wooden tool box for Christmas, and it's not uncommon to see this one crawling around the house with a wooden wrench or hammer in her hand:
...we went to the NASCAR races with Isaac's family when his Papa and Diane came into town. I picked out Grace's pants and shirt, and she got herself dressed and said "I look beautiful. Now let's go!":

...we spent Sunday over at Grandpa & Grandma Whiting's house, so we could spend more time with Papa and Diane. It's kind of a far drive, so I sat in the back to hang out with the girls, and Charley was "talking" up a storm:

LOVES her Minnie Mouse compact.

...while they were at the store, we made a quick stop at the park by their house:

Teaching Grace how to skip. She just ran next to me swaying her head from side to side.

When we finally made our way to their house, we played with the kids while Grandpa Craig and Great Grandma Di made lunch:
Grandma Lisa gave the girls their Valentine's which included the cutest cupcake cups. Charley loved drinking juice from hers:
...Grace had fun watching Grandpa grill the burgers:
And watching Papa fix the screen on the sliding glass door:

She's such a little helper. She even helped Daddy and Uncle Zac make a shelf for Grandma's TV:

Meanwhile, Charley and Presley fell asleep:
When they woke up, Grace took care of Presley while I fed Charley:
...Papa enjoyed time with his great granddaughters:
...Charley took her official first steps! It's so hard to believe that this little one is walking already. In a couple of weeks she's going to be running and chasing her sister all over the house:
Such a great week with family in town!
See you next time :)

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