Last Week...

...Grace played with baby Leila (who she calls Lella) and rocked her to sleep: 

...Charley hung out in her sleeper:

It would be the last time before I packed it up for good. Just look at how big she's gotten:
This was easily my favorite baby item this time around! crazy babies played in the bathtub:

...Charley ended in my bed by midnight almost every night last week. Friday, I noticed a molar on her top right side (already?!). She woke up in the middle of the night and didn't want to sleep in her own crib, but would gladly go straight to sleep if I let her snuggle next to me. I'll take that any day! Thanks, Charley, for not screaming, being extra fussy, or even flinching while teething. If extra snuggling is all you need for comfort, I'll kiss and hug you all day/night long:

...Daddy and the girls played after dinner:

...Charley girl did some more sleeping:

...Charley hates socks. Like, she won't wear them. Ever. I put them on her every day, and within seconds their off and she's chewing on them. One morning, I got her dressed and put her straight into her car seat. By the time I was in the driver's seat, her socks were neatly placed on the seat next to her:

...since the weather was so beautiful, we decided to take the kids for a walk around the neighborhood. I had the bright idea to do lunges and squats as we walked and then could barely move the next day. Grace loved doing them with me, though. She kept saying, "Mommy, we got to do our crunges!":

...Isaac's brother, Zacarias, got engaged on Thursday, so we went to dinner with him, Stefanie, and Presley to celebrate. We are SO happy for them and can't wait for Stef to officially be part of the family! At dinner, Charley and Presley had fun playing and chatting with each other:

...I found a picture of Grace wearing the same shirt Charley was wearing, so I made a comparison photo of the two girls around the same age. I think it's so funny:

...Grace slept so sweetly before I moved her to her own bed:

...Chalrey hit the 10 month mark.

...Grace goes to my Grandma and Poppa's on Fridays, so she helped them bake me a lemon dribble cake for my upcoming birthday. It's so delicious and one of my favorites:
(Thanks, guys! You're the best!!)

...Grace kept feeding Charley little bites of cake, which was so adorably sweet. As soon as I got the camera out to get a video, she changed her tune:

...I hung out with my girls on Friday night before meeting Kelli and Eddie for drinks and tapas at Firefly:

Of course on the one night that we have plans to go out, something happens. Grace was in the living room, and we heard her screaming. We rushed out there to find her doll stroller stuck in her mouth. The handle is curved (see picture below), and it was in her little mouth, behind her teeth, and piercing the flesh under her tongue. Isaac had to slide it down her throat and twist it to get it out. I think it scared her (and me!) more than anything, so I held her and comforted her while she cried. When I pulled her away from my chest, there was quite a bit of blood, so I started freaking out which made it way worse. I got her to bite down on a washcloth, and it was fine within minutes. So scary though. I hate seeing my babies get hurt. Luckily, we went to Grandma Espejo's, and after hanging out for a while, Grace didn't mind us leaving:

...we spent Saturday buying more baby clothes and hanging outside at Town Square.

...we had our usual breakfast at The Coffee Cup where Charley chewed on Grace's friend, Cancun, and Grace face had a big bowl of Trix:

...we stopped at Target where Charley took her morning nap:

...we met Poppa and Gran at O'Callahan Park. It was a pretty windy, so our outing didn't last too long, but we still had fun on the swings:

...after the park, Charley napped in her crib. When I went in to check on her, she was just laying there wide awake:

...we played peek-a-boo for a little while before I rescued her:

...Grace got new Jake and the Neverland Pirate keys and took them everywhere with us. She thought she was so cool:

...I took a picture of Grace's hair after her bath. It's getting so long...almost down to her tushy:

...Charley wore her sweet jammies:
(All she needs is love. And cookies.)

See you next week!

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