Last Week...

...we all snuggled in bed together to watch movies, but the girls fell asleep:

...we played outside with bubbles:

...Gracie planted Minnie Mouse Marigolds and Jake and the Neverland Pirate Calendulas. (Remember when we planted clovers and flowers a couple of weeks ago? We can't find them anywhere in our backyard. I'm thinking maybe the landscapers threw them we got new, improved flower pots!) She had a blast planting them and has been so good about watering them each day:

...we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and sat on the patio, because it was so nice outside:

...I found Charley sleeping like this in her crib the next morning:

...we played outside with bubbles again (the weather was absolutely perfect all week, so we spent as much time outside as possible):

...Grace made Charley laugh and played peek-a-boo with her:

...Grace and I left funny faces on Daddy's phone when we were driving to swim lessons:

...Charley helped Daddy unload the dishwasher:

...she ate avocados and Spanish rice for dinner:

...she played in the bath tub by herself since sister had already showered:

...Charley is such a blanky baby. Just check out her excitement when she gets to snuggle it at bedtime:

...we saw the Easter bunny and took a couple of pictures with him. Grace was petrified. It didn't help that he was about to go on break, so a second one walked up to greet her. Charley was pretty curious, though, and loved him:
(Grace managed to say, "cheeeeese" in between her cries of terror.)

...Charley is now everywhere since she's getting so good at walking. She makes her way all around the house in seconds. These were taken in about a three minute span:

(She's getting so smart and knows how to push the buttons on the iPad and iPhones to turn them on now.)

...Grace got a package in the mail from the Easter Bunny that included the cutest little letter:

...we painted our nails with her OPI Minnie Mouse polish:

(She's getting way too big for her own good.)

...I got eyelash extensions. I get migraines when I wear mascara too many days in a row (like three), so I thought these might be a good alternative. I absolutely love them:

(This is wearing no make-up at all. Interested? Call Kayla St. Vincent at Sola Salon!)

...we watched the Rebs play in the big dance only to see them lose in the first round. There's always next year? At least we had the best half-time performance from the girls:

(Depressed baby watching the final seconds...)

...I ordered a barrette holder for the girls' hair accessories, so we spent a while organizing them all:

...the girls and I waited for Daddy to finish getting ready:

...we met Kasie and Jeremy at Town Square for lunch where we ended up staying for hours and hours playing, sipping mimosas, and shopping:

(Every few minutes, a plane would fly by and be loud and really low. Grace would get so excited every time.)

...we saw Olympus has Fallen with Kasie and Jeremy. Such a good movie. I was trembling the whole time. The movie was so intense that it made you feel like something bad was happening in the "real world". I've never felt that from a movie before. Go see it:

...after that movie, I snuggled both babies in my bed the whole night:

...we went to The Coffee Cup for breakfast Sunday:

...the girls rode in the GIANT shopping cart at Target...and giggled the whole time:

...we went to Paseo Verde park AND Reunion Trails park. Charley practiced walking, and the girls played on the swings a lot. Having two girls is so fun. Especially now that they're this age and can play together. It's like having a built-in best friends:

Charley layed on my chest like this for so long just haning onto my necklace. So sweet!

...we met up with Geni and Chad for lunch and then took the girls to see The Croods in 3D. It was so cute. Charley nursed right when it started (thankfully, there weren't many people in the theater, and we got to sit in the very back), fell asleep, and slept the whole time. Grace loved it:

Whew...another busy week in the books.

See ya next week :)

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