Nineteen Months

While reading my past blog post about Grace , Isaac and I couldn't believe how similar our girls are at the nineteenth month mark. The biggest difference lies in their size. Charley is twenty-four pounds, seven ounces and stands thirty-two inches tall. She hits exactly in the fiftieth percentile for both weight and height - the perfect baby. (How weird that she has been in these same percentiles since she was born!) Grace on the other hand was two pounds chunkier and an inch shorter. Little ball of squish she was. Another difference is definitely the hair. Grace had full on curly pigtails at this age. Char is still working up to that, because she got Mommy's stick straight hair. Charley has learned so many new words and talks to everyone she meets. She loves to hold conversations with people, and gets excited when she knows words. If I put on her jammies with cupcakes, she'll point to each one and say "cuh-keek" over and over. She al...