Charley Anne

When Grace had just turned a year old, I started going through her photos to choose one from each month for a frame we were given as a gift. While going through Grace's newborn pictures, I got an overwhelming feeling that it was time for another baby.

We had planned on waiting quite a few more months, but we had a window of about two weeks where we could get pregnant and fit a baby into our busy schedule for the following spring and summer. We started trying that day, and found out three weeks later that we were expecting another sweet baby.

It was pretty surreal to go from not even thinking about a second child to getting ready for it's arrival in three short weeks.

We call Charley our angel baby, because of Charlie's Angels God gave us this incredible urge to have another child at a totally unexpected time. It's like He knew Charley was the perfect fit for our family and told us to get ready, because she needed to be ours.

I've always believed that everything happens for a reason, and it's all part of some grand design. Now that she's here, I'm so thankful that Charley was part of our plan.

Since Gracie was born via Cesarean, Charley's delivery was scheduled ahead of time.

She was born April 30, 2012 at 8:20 a.m. She was 7 pounds, 10 ounces and twenty and a half inches long:

 The delivery and recovery this time around was much quicker than when I had Grace. I was up walking the same day, and was back to normal in about a week. We were even at the mall shopping (the girls' and my favorite past time) when she was barely a week old!

So far, Charley has made Grace (the former easiest baby ever) look like a handful. She sleeps six hour stretches at night and even during some of her morning naps. She nurses less often, and smiles constantly. She loves to coo and talk to us, and loves to be snuggled.

Swaddle blankets have been her favorite item since just after she was born.

Charley Bug popped her first tooth at four and half months and had all of her others besides the two year molars before she turned a year old.

She started day care three days a week at about six months, and she has loved it from the beginning.

This cutie pie at six months old:

Charley started crawling at seven months and walking at ten-and-a-half months.

One Year Old:

She was weaned from nursing at seventeen months and has slept through the night ever since.

Two Years Old:

Three Years Old:

Four Years Old:

Five Years Old:

Six Years Old:

Seven Years Old:

Charley is the crazy one. She loves to run without looking where she's going and is such a free spirit. She's Grace's best friend and loves her family so hard. Char is the best big sister and can always be found kissing, holding, and squishing her baby sis and bro with love. We call her "little mama". This girl is awesome on the soccer field and has a natural talent. We're having so much fun watching her learn as she spends more time playing!

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