Grace Taylor

We've always talked about wanting a big family. As soon as we got married, we started trying for a baby. A couple of weeks later, I started taking pregnancy tests every couple of days. We'd always pray for a 'yes' and end up with a 'no'.

After reading the directions for the fiftieth time, I noticed that the tests were more accurate if you peed on the stick first thing in the morning, so I tried that the following day. I was so tired, I was just waiting for the 'no' so I could get back in bed. When a 'yes' showed up on the stick, I ran to the bed and woke Isaac excitedly. The phone calls began almost immediately to share the exciting news with our closest family and friends.

A couple of months later, we had a 4D ultrasound where we discovered that we would be blessed with our baby girl. We already had her first name picked out, and immediately started calling her Gracie. Taylor was chosen for her middle name a couple of months later, and it's Daddy's middle name, too.

On her due date, we had an appointment with the doctor. They did an ultrasound and discovered that Grace was close to nine and a half pounds. Since she hadn't dropped at all, the doctors recommended a c-section. After much consideration and discussion, we decided to go that route to keep both Mommy and baby safe.

Grace was born on June 14, 2010 at 7:54 am. She was 8 pounds, 1 ounce and 19.5 inches long:

Grace was a very easy baby. She was always happy and only cried when she was hungry. It just so happened that she was hungry every hour. This girl ate like crazy. She woke up every three hours during the night to eat until she was weaned from nursing at sixteen months. We are happy to say that she's been sleeping through the night (for the most part) since then.

She got her first tooth at six months old, and the rest quickly followed. By eighteen months, this chick had all twenty of her baby teeth!

Here she is at six months:

She started crawling around eight and a half months and walking at ten months.

One Year Old:

Gracie started going to day care at eighteen months and was quickly moved to the Early Pre-School room, because she's so smart!

She was fully potty trained by twenty-two months...just in time for her baby sister to be born.

Two Years Old:

Three Years Old:

Four Years Old:

Five Years Old:

Six Years Old:

Seven Years Old:

Eight Years Old:

Nine Years Old:

She's the happiest, bossiest, funniest kid on the planet with the biggest heart in the world. We absolutely love watching her learn and grow in school and on the field, and her love for soccer grows each season. The next few years should be packed full of fun with all the personality this girl's got goin' on.

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