Our Story

We met in seventh grade, went out for two weeks, and broke up because Courtney was "as straight as an arrow" (these were Isaac's words).

Fast forward a couple of years, and we are both walking into our Spanish class on the first day of our sophomore year of high school. We are told to draw numbers from a stack in the teacher's hand and find the seat that would be ours for the entire school year. As fate would have it, our seats were right next to each other. 

Isaac was a captain on the JV football team and Courtney was captain of the JV Cheerleading squad. Before one of our games, Courtney hung a sign above the field asking Isaac to the Sadie Hawkins dance. He came out onto the field with his gold helmet on, in line with his teammates, shaking his head "yes".

After flirting for a few weeks, we became official the night of the dance. A month and a half later, Isaac gave Courtney a promise ring, they exchanged "I love yous", and the rest is history.

I guess you can say we knew from an early point that this was the real deal.

It's been almost eighteen years, and we are now happily married with three gorgeous baby girls, Grace, Charley, and Perry and one sweet boy, Isaac IV.

We are very blessed to be able to follow our dreams and live them each and every day.

Here are a few of our major milestones:

First Date: 11-17-01

Foothill High School Graduation: 06-07-04

Engagement 04-19-08

Wedding 09-05-09

UNLV Graduation: 12-15-09

Baby Number One: 06-14-10

Baby Number Two: 04-30-12

Baby Number Three: 05-05-16

Baby Number Four: 04-26-19

Stay tuned for more milestones to come...

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