Perry Louise

Isaac and I went back on forth over whether we should try for a baby or not. The girls were big enough to be independent and make life semi-easy, and we had been out of diapers and bottles for a while. Our family just didn't feel complete, and we both knew that something, or someone, was missing.

After getting pregnant with our other two babies almost instantly, Perry made us work for it. We tried for fourteen months before finding out we were finally pregnant, only to lose the baby at five-and-a-half weeks.

We got pregnant with Perr Bear immediately afterwards, and she will forever be our rainbow baby - the bright spot after a rough storm. After trying for so long, the pregnancy felt like it took forever.

Perry was born via Cesarean on May 5, 2016 (Cinco de Mayo...don't think we didn't plant that one) at 7:48 a.m. She was 7 pounds, 15 ounces and 19.5 inches long.

I was back to normal almost instantly after this little one's birth. Since we didn't have any grandparents helping out this time around, she got to spend her first eight months at work with Mommy, and it was the greatest thing ever. She came to work with me every day and slept most of the time. Once she started to be mobile and more active, she started day care five days a week and loves playing with other kids.

She has been such an easy baby. She eats, sleeps, and smiles - which melts everyone around her. At two months old, she started to coo and loved watching her big sisters from the very beginning.

Perry at six months old:

Like her big sisters, she started crawling around eight months and took her first steps at ten months. She is the smallest babe of our bunch, and she also likes to snuggle the most.

One Year Old:

Two Years Old:

This one took her time potty training and was official around two and a half years old. Thank goodness!

Three Years Old:

This girl is a character and loves to make everyone laugh. She likes to make sure everyone is always included and is the best snuggler around. We love to watch her learn new things and are currently in the thick of potty training!

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