Last Week...

...we got some rain Sunday night, which led to snow covering the mountains behind our house Monday morning.

...we started a new workout routine (that lasted for one day), and Grace loved working out with mom and dad after school.

...Isaac played kickball with the neighbor boys. Grace is like her momma and didn't want to join in fear of being embarrassed. I used to be the same way when I was her age, and I grew into my competitiveness as I got older.

...we went to Montesano's for dinner where Char enjoyed some mussels in marinara. I was shocked that she liked it! They followed dinner up with some yummy sprinkle butter cookies.

...Grace is getting so big! She brushes her teeth every night without me even having to ask her to anymore.

(That hairrrr!!)

...kickball went on the next afternoon, as well. Our street used to be run by girls. They have all grown up, and now it's being taken over by the boys. Not to worry - we have another cycle of girls making their way up through the ranks.

...we met Grandma Sunshine for dinner, and the girls had a sleepover at her house. Papa Craig built them a giant fort and taught them how to play guitar.

(The cutest mariachi band!)

...Grandma brought the girls to dance class, and I was super excited, because it was Parent Watch Week. We got to sit in their classes, learn all about their teachers, and see what they do in class. Charley didn't have a nap, so she wasn't in the mood to participate (girl absolutely needs her beauty sleep on the daily). Gracie did so well, though. I love that she kept smiling at me and was so excited that I was there to watch and support her. She keeps getting better and better!

...Allison and Alex took the girls home, while we met Elisha down on Fremont to celebrate her 21st birthday. We had fun at Park, downed some shots, and played life-size beer pong at the Gold Strike. We ended the night gambling a little and had so much fun with the family!

Happy Birthday, Elisha!!

...Saturday morning, we got ready and met Allison and Alex at the new Hash House a Go Go for breakfast. Since it had just opened, there was a pretty long wait. Luckily, the girls entertained themselves on this giant tractor and played with their Itty Bittys (their newest obsession) while we waited.

...the food was delicious and well worth the wait. Isaac had a BLT Bloody Mary, and I enjoyed this amazing Banana Latte with our breakfasts. The girls were excited to have Fruit Loops, pour in their own milk, and even drank it straight from the bowl when they finished their cereal.

...we played outside with the Sebastians, snacks, and the girls' newest Itty Bittys.

...Char got sleepy, so Daddy laid down with her. When she heard that Gracie went to jump on Noah's trampoline, she woke right up. Noah was so sweet and held her hand as he walked her across the street to join Gracie.

...we had reservations for The Melting Pot that night for dinner. I thought the girls would have so much fun! Just as we were leaving, Charley picked up Grace's headband off the floor. They were being silly and Grace was chasing Char all around the house. As Charley came running towards me to save her, Grace pushed her a little. Char tripped and fell face first into the bottom part of the couch that's super hard. She cried and a bruise instantly formed. I gave her some Tylenol, and held her until she calmed down. She was ready for a nap, so we decided to head to dinner anyways and let her sleep. She did just that and woke up in time to enjoy the chocolate fondue for dessert. That definitely made her feel better.

...after dinner we snuggled and watched movies. Her poor cheek was so swollen.

...Sunday morning, Shelly took the kids to Friendly's Doughnuts. She took a video of this hilarious conversation that the kids had on the way. It makes me laugh every time.

...meanwhile, Isaac and I enjoyed the Henderson Special from Johnny Mac's, You can never go wrong with their mild wings. started to rain, and the kids wanted to play outside. We headed out front for a while until it got too cold. Although Char's face was looking worse, she was feeling much better, and it didn't stop her for a second.

...the kids decided to come inside to watch Penguins of Madagascar. When they started getting bored, Char and Easton began to wrestle. Wouldn't you know it? Charley dislocated her elbow. This poor kid had such a rough weekend. Luckily, Nick (Noah and Easton's dad and a firefighter) happened to be home. I ran her across the street and he popped it back in. Within five minutes, it was like it never happened, and she was fine again.

...I made sure to keep an extra close eye on her and watched her like a hawk as she slept. This girl was not going to have any more injuries. She's such an energetic, tough little girl. She loves to play hard with the big kids, but she's such a little peanut.

Let's hope we don't have any more injuries for a while!

See ya next week :)

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