Last Week...

...Char got a homework packet with a page to work on each night. Monday, we worked on tracing the letter 'B'. Then she had to draw a picture of "My mom reads books." I think she did an amazing job! 

(I held her hand while she traced the sentence.)

...her bruise got darker and darker and eventually made its way up around her eye. Poor kiddo!

...she Facetime'd with Nikki, her favorite doggy.

...we met Poppa and Gran for dinner at Hash House a Go Go, and it was just as delicious as the first time.

...Toodles slept in bed with his girls.

...Grace insisted on wearing her new silver sparkle bow turban and made me take pictures of her before school.

...then Charley wanted pictures, too.

...Char was extra happy to get her croissant before school since we haven't been stopping by Starbucks as often lately.

...Grace brought home this cute little book of hand prints.

...Char made a happy heart and practiced tracing 'y's at school.

...they had these hung on the wall outside of Grace's class last week, and they were so funny. The girls said things like it smelled good, like flowers, like candy, etc. and the boys said it smelled like nothing, weird, and like snacks.

...Grace discovered that she was able to listen to music on her iPad and will randomly start belting out songs.

...I celebrated my 29th birthday on Thursday. My in-laws, Lisa and Craig, sent me the prettiest flowers (thanks so much guys!), and my family all went to the Rebel game that night. We had so much fun! I'm officially in the last year of my 20's and can't wait to see what this next year has in store.

...we finished our taxes and somehow managed to get a small refund back thanks to our awesome new tax guy and our first official retirement IRA's (thanks for the referral, Maryann!).

...the girls wore patching PJ's with their American Girl dolls, who also watched their iPads with them before bed.

...Shelly got me a yummy cake, which Charley devoured pretty quickly.

(Thanks, Shelly! You're the best!!)

...we celebrated Camryn's first birthday at the Sheley's and had so much fun. It's so nice to have friends like these that we may not see as often as we like, but when we do get together, it's like no time has passed at all. Love you guys!!

(Happy Birthday, Camryn!!)

..Char snacked on a Lunchable on the way to NASCAR Saturday morning. She refuses to eat the crackers, so her sandwiches consisted of ham with a slice of cheese in between.

...we spent the weekend at NASCAR with our family, friends, and co-workers. We had a blast as per usual.

...Char couldn't decide which flavor of Dippin Dots she wanted, so Papa got her both.

...meanwhile, Gracie relaxed in Grammy's trailer.

...Sunday was more of the same, but this time we ran into the Gerfys and Todd and Carole. They all came down to the suite with us, and we had a blast rooting for our favorite drivers all afternoon. Rascal Flatts sang the National Anthem, and seeing the Thunderbirds always gives me goosebumps. God Bless the USA!

...Grace became obsessed with Auntie Elisha's selfie stick.

...Super Daddy carried both of his girls back to the car after the race.

...after baths on Sunday night, Chars hair looked so long (for her) and is even starting to get a little curl at the bottom.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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