Last Week...

...we met at Hash House a Go Go to have breakfast for dinner after work on Monday. The girls colored us some rainbow farms, and Grace even made it rain.

...after dinner, Charley pulled these out of her pocket. She said she found them at school and got one for "Mommy, Daddy, Gwacie, and Chawley. Ugh! I fowgot one fa Too-dols!" She's the sweetest thing around.

...Gracie brought us home a rainbow and a pot of gold for St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday.

...the girls played Mancala with Daddy upstairs.

...I started crocheting again. I soon realized that my first attempt at this pattern wasn't going as planned. The sides were getting longer as I went, resulting in an awkwardly crooked blanket. I tied it off and the girls have been using it for their babies, while I start on a new one.

...Charley sang to herself while she played Yahtzee. This girl is always singing or humming. It's precious.

...the girls asked for dessert after dinner, so I drizzled some melted chocolate over a banana for them. They devoured it in seconds.

...Char and Jakson sent videos back and forth. She just loves her Unertls.

...Kasie sent me the best video ever of Jakson showing off his surprised face. I can't help but laugh every time I watch this. He's too much!

...Grace practiced writing her lowercase letters, and then watched her iPad before going to sleep, while Char was passed out.

...we went to Lucille's for dinner and followed it up with some ice cream cones at Ben and Jerry's for dessert.

...the girls had a dance party when we got home, and Charley decided to sing "Uptown Funk" for us. Isaac and I were laughing hysterically.

(She's saying "Uptown FUNK You Up".)

...we played on the swing set in the back yard and then moved on to bubbles.

...the girls had dance class on Friday and looked as cute as ever in their pink outfits and new metallic moccasins.

...Char's class worked on their teddy bear routine, which is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

...we went to Grimaldi's for dinner after class, since we were nearby.

...Grace picked out this cute pineapple crop top on Instagram a couple of weeks ago, and I found some pineapple high-waisted shorts that went perfectly with it. She begged to wear it all week, but I wouldn't let her wear it to school. When Saturday came around, she was so excited and looked adorable in it.

...the girls got all ready and spent the day with Grandma Espejo while Mommy and Daddy went car shopping. I have been getting this error on my Traverse lately where the engine power is reduced. If I restart the car, the error will go away and won't come back for a few days. It's so weird. I did a little research online and found out that people keep taking all kinds of Chevys in for this issue, and they make repairs and have to take it back a month later with the same error. Instead of paying for different parts over and over, we have decided to trade it in. Our new car won't be ready until June, so we're hoping the Traverse keeps being easy to deal with until then.

...while at Grandma's, the girls snacked and played in the pool.

...that afternoon, we went to Matt and Frannie's to watch some basketball. Zac and Stef joined us a little later, and Grace practiced her cartwheels with Presley. 

...the guys decided to make their own Irish Car Bombs. The last picture makes me laugh so hard.

...Sunday morning, I woke up to this sweet thang singing her ABC Mouse songs. Does it get any cuter?

...we met Alex and Allison at Hash House a Go Go for breakfast, and Charley looked adorable in her new romper.

...we tried flying kites when we got home, but it wasn't windy enough. We ended up playing with bubbles with our neighbor friends instead.

...Daddy picked some roses from our backyard for his girls, and they loved them.

...we got a delivery with dry ice, and the girls loved playing with it.

See you next week :)

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