Lucky Babes {Happy St. Patrick's Day!}

Every year, the Saturday before St. Patricks' Day, we head down to Water Street for the St. Paddy's Day Parade and Carnival. It's been an annual tradition of ours since Gracie was born. 

This year, the weather was gorgeous! We got there just in time to snag an awesome spot and waited patiently for the parade to begin. I really don't think the girls could have looked any cuter!

Of course, we got Friendly's Doughnuts to share with our friends while we watched.

Finally, it was time to begin. The kiddos loved watching the cool cars, fire trucks, and especially the bagpipes. Those are easily the coolest part of the parade.

When the Irish Setters walked by, the girls couldn't resist and jumped up to love on them.

We got a surprise visit from Poppa and Gran who were walking in the parade with their wine society. The girls were so excited to see them!

Presley arrived with Grandma Espejo and Auntie Elisha. She and Char held hands while they watched the little ponies walk by.

I'm pretty sure Charley ate 10 of the 12 doughnuts. She's become a master at eating the frosting. She'll nibble it all off and give you back a perfectly shaped cake doughnut with not one hint that it ever had frosting on it.

We started making our way towards the carnival when the Sebastians had to leave for their afternoon baseball games. A guy with a snake was walking by, and it totally freaked Gracie out. Char and Presley weren't scared at all and even pet it.

When we got there, Daddy went to grab tickets while we waited in line for the Ferris Wheel. I don't know what it is, but lately I have totally gotten over my fear of heights and actually like this kind of stuff.

The line was pretty long, so we let the girls play some games while Auntie waited. They were so funny trying to catch these little ducks.

Charley showed Presley how to do it, and once she got it down, she was so excited to tell us, "I did it!" over and over. She didn't even want the dolphin that she won. She just passed it off to Uncle and wanted to keep playing the game. It was too cute!

Eventually she wanted her dolphin back and even beat Uncle up with it. She's really started to come around and actually likes him now. I know that makes him so happy!

Finally, it was almost our turn to ride the Ferris Wheel. Can these girls get any cuter? They held hands and passed kisses down the line while they waited.

The first time we went around, Grace said she wanted to get off when we got back to the bottom. They kept us going, and by the third time, she didn't want to ever get off.

We got some pretty cool views of the Las Vegas Strip and downtown Water Street.

Char was concerned that everyone held on, even though she was standing the entire time. This one is such a daredevil.

Next up was the carousel. The girls posed for a sweet picture and melted me to pieces.

Gracie loved seeing Daddy every time she went around and made sure to wave to him. Such a Daddy's girl!

After the carousel, she played the hammer game with Auntis Elisha, and they won horns for the three girls. 

They spent the rest of the time blowing them loudly for everyone to hear.

Soon it was time to go. We walked back down Water Street to stop by Poppa and Grandma's house before we headed home. Grace and Char blew their horns the whole way, and Grace kept shouting through hers, "move outta the way". I had to teach her that it wasn't very nice to say that. We walked by the car show, and I fell in love with this beauty. That blue color gets me every time.

Back at Poppa's, Char snacked on more doughnuts, and I got the sweetest picture of the girls with their Great Poppa who we all love so much.

We had such a great time at the parade this year. The girls get more and more fun as they get older. March has always been my favorite month (because it's my birthday month AND the weather is always beautiful here), and days like these make me love it that much more!

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