Last Week...

...Monday afternoon the girls did a mini-photo session with ducklings at the park. I made this photo comparing them and realized that they really do look a lot alike.

...after pictures, the girls played at the park for a bit.

...when we got home, we went for our nightly walk around the neighborhood, and Charley loved climbing on the big boulders that we passed.

...Gracie made the cutest hand print crafts at school.

...we hung out and played with Itty Bitties while waiting for Daddy to get home from work.

....the girls were so cute in their matching ice cream pajammies before bed. second wavy blanket is coming along much better than the first did. This picture doesn't do it justice. Those colors are much brighter, and the yarn is sparkly, too.

...the girls played with Daddy upstairs and were being so silly (after playing Monopoly and coloring, the living room was destroyed).

...Charley made some hand print crafts of her own at school on Thursday.

...Friday we had dance class, and the girls both did great. During Grace's class, Char and her new friend Emerson played with the massive tutu selection. We got to go in at the end and film their recital routine so they can practice at home. I was surprised at how much they had learned in a few short weeks.

...the girls were exhausted after shopping all morning on Saturday and passed out in the car on the way home.

...that night, we dyed Easter eggs with Alex and Allison. We got all different kinds of kits this year, and the girls had a blast painting and coloring all five dozen eggs.

...Sunday morning, I made a Starbucks run and got my nails done bright and early. This may be one of my favorite colors ever.

...when I got home, I gave Char a bath. Toodles stood next to the tub the entire time. Charley thought it was hilarious.

...we spent the afternoon at Jakson's First Birthday party. We had so much fun with all of our friends. I can't believe that Jakson is already a year old. I remember Kasie texting me when she finally got a positive pregnancy test and going to the hospital the afternoon he was born. He's always been the most adorable little guy. It seems like Jakson is growing even faster than usual since they moved to California, and we miss the little milestones. Every time I see him, he's grown so much more. We just love this little guy so much!

...Gracie wasn't feeling very well at the party and slept from the time we got home until bed time. She woke up, ate a yogurt, and went back to sleep for the night. Char napped with her, but woke up and played with Daddy while sister continued to sleep.

See ya next week!

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