Heatin' Up

Apparently, I forgot all about our trip to Reunion Trails splash pad last Sunday, because it didn't make it into the weekly update. I guess I'll just have to dedicate this post to the Sunday Funday instead.

We met up with my sisters, Alex, and Chase to spend Sunday afternoon at the splash pad. While we were walking there, Grace found a dandelion and insisted on making a wish.

It was such a beautiful, warm day, and the girls couldn't wait to play in the water. They looked so cute in their new suits.

We ran into Gracie's friend, Peyton, from school, and the girls ran all over the park playing.

Char was even brave enough to climb the rock wall by herself.

She played with Chase in the playground and showed him the ropes.

(This face cracks me up!)

We played with bubbles, and Charley chased them all over before blowing some herself.

When Peyton had to leave, Gracie joined us with her own Ariel bubbles. When did this girl turn into a teenager?!

Chase even got in on the bubble fun.

Once they were done with the bubbles, Daddy played in the water with them and even talked them into running through the water tunnels.

Charley was worn out after all the fun, and laid down on the swing to take a break.

One more trip around the splash pad, and we were ready to head home.

Charley looked so funny in her Ariel towel, so I had to snap a picture.

It was such a fun day with the kiddos, and I'm sure there are many more splash pad play dates in our future as it starts heatin' up around here.

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