Last Week...

...Momday, Char had her three-year-old wellness check-up. The girls played in the doctor's office, and Charley was so excited when she found out she didn't have to get any shots this year.

...Grace kept asking Charley to tell her what these items were. She pointed to that red wagon (to the left of their fingers), and Char said, "Umm. I don't know. Like a suit case or something?" That one made me laugh out loud.

...Tuesday, Char wore her Okay! shirt to school and looked so cute. I can't help but say "Okayyy!" like Lil Jon every time I see it.

...Gracie had dinosaur week at school and made a Graceasaurus.

...Toodles stands on the bath tub like this every night now. He hears the water running and comes running in to hang out with Charley while she washes up.

...Daddy had to take a quick overnight trip to Burbank, California to meet with some tree nurseries. The girls' Facetime'd him at before bed. They missed their Daddy so much and cried when he had to say good-bye to go to sleep.

...they went to dance class on Friday where Char worked on her high kicks with Miss Kelly.

...she was so excited after class, because we were heading home to see Daddy!

...she spent the whole evening and the next morning glued to his side. Poor Toodles went with her everywhere she went, too.

...I clicked on this Facebook quiz "Who is my real soulmate?" and it popped up with Kasie. Duh. I should have seen that one coming.

(Love you, Kas!)

...Saturday afternoon we took the girls bowling with Auntie Allison, Uncle Alex, Auntie Geni, Uncle Chad, Chase, and Chad Casey. The kiddos had so much fun.

(Gracie dressed herself and even did her own hair that morning. Pretty good, huh?!)

...obviously, bowling tired little Char out. She slept the whole way home and napped in the car with Daddy, while I went inside to pack her bags. The girls had a sleepover with Presley at Grandma Espejo's house Saturday night because...

...Isaac and I got 4 front row, standing room only tickets to see Britney Spears. We met up with Allison and Alex for dinner at La Salsa Cantina to start off the night and had some delicious strawberry margaritas.

...we didn't know the tickets were front row until they kept walking us closer and closer to the stage. I have been the biggest Britney Spears fan since I was twelve years old rewinding my Hit Me Baby One More Time cassette tape over and over and over again. This was one of the coolest experiences ever. I could literally see the sweat dripping off of her arms as she "sang" and danced right in front of me. It was so much fun (even if it was my fourth time seeing the show!).

...the next morning, we picked the girls up from Grandma's. They had such a great time, as usual. Thanks for watching them, Grandma!

(I totally did not recognize that this was my own kid when Elisha posted it. When did she grow up?!)

...Charley napped all afternoon, while we relaxed around the house.

...then she colored in her pink teddy robe after bath time.

Such a fun week! See you next time :)

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