Last Week...

...Gracie had her final dance rehearsal. They didn't want parents there, so they could really run through the whole thing. After we dropped her off, Char and I spent the next hour wandering around Target.

...we followed up our shopping spree with waiting for Grace Face in the car, where Char pretended to drive a race car on my lap.

...the girls baked Play-Doh cakes with Daddy after school.

...Char was the cutest three-year-old around before school. This shirt describes her perfectly: Happy, Free, Wild, and Three!

...we moved into our new office at work (which is amazing and beautiful and makes me love my job even more) and adopted a new pet birdie. There is a gap in our window, so we feed him pieces of donuts and muffins every morning. He sits there all day long chirping away.

...Grace, the princess of pineapples, wore her favorite outfit to school on Friday.

...the girls watched the big girl dancers rehearse for the upcoming recital, and Char had her final dance class of the season (I got stuck at work, so we didn't have time to go home to change).

...a few kids from Grace's class were there, so they ran through their routine one last time.

...we went to the District for breakfast and shopping (surprise, surprise) on Saturday, and Grace wanted me to take a video of her doing the hula, while we hung out by the splash pad. This girl has really started to love dance and dances all the time, everywhere we go.

...we went home to get ready, and while Char napped before her recital, Gracie and I met Auntie Allison at the nail salon for pedicures.

...Charley had her very first dance recital. She was so painfully shy that she just stood there trying to fit both of her hands into her mouth the whole time. Whenever she would do one of the moves, she'd get even more shy and giggle. It's a good thing she's so darn cute. She usually does all of the moves in class and knows the routines really well. I was pretty surprised that she was being so timid. She's in the class for younger kids, so they had their recital at the studio with the other Tutu Cute classes. They each did three songs. I didn't record Char's third routine (for obvious reasons), but it was the cutest Little Fish song that she dances to all the time at home. I'll have to get it on video when there isn't a huge room full of people staring at her. Nonetheless, she got flowers, and we all told her how proud of her we are.

...we had a celebratory dinner at Grimaldi's after her recital, and girl got down on some cherries.

...she slept extra hard that night in her Cat Nappin' jammies with Toodles in his usual spot on top of her head.

...we played with this app that tells you which parent your kid looks more like. Apparently Grace is my twin, while Char is a little more of a mixture, but still a mini-Daddy.

...Sunday morning we had family photos with one of our favorite photographers, Trish McMillen, out at Floyd Lamb State Park. We got some gorgeous shots, and the girls had a blast chasing the peacocks all over the place.

...we spent the rest of the day by the pool where Grace acted like a teenager sipping on her Slurpee and soaking up the sun.

...Char couldn't wait to get in the water and kept pulling funny faces. The girls had so much fun splashing and practicing their swim moves, while us grown ups floated around on rafts.

...when she needed a break, she watched Veggie Tales on Daddy's phone.

...after the pool, the girls took a bath in Grammy's big tub, while we made carne asada tacos for dinner. Sunday Funday at it's best!

See ya next week :)

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