Last Week...

....Gracie came running downstairs yelling, "mommyyyy, I have a shakable tooth!". At first, I wondered if she hit it on something, but then I realized that she is five, and she actually had her very first loose tooth. ...Nick texted me a picture at work on Monday to show me that it fell out that day at school. That was fast! (Notice the dry tear down her little cheek.) the time she got home, she was all smiles and couldn't wait to show everyone. I asked her if she cried, and she said, "just a little. I thought I had a goldfish cracker stuck in my teeth, but when I pulled it out, it was my tooth!". ...Daddy read to her for her Apple Core reading homework. She loves her daddy SO much! ...that night, Gracie made sure to put her tooth under her pillow for the tooth fairy. ...the next morning, she was so funny telling me that she heard a "twinkle" during the night. ...she got five dollars and had to take...