Daddy's Day at the Park

All Daddy wanted for his thirty-first birthday was to spend the whole day with his girls, so that's exactly what we did.

Our morning started with breakfast burritos and Friendly's Doughnuts in the park. Perry must've known that it was his birthday, because she was extra lovey on Daddy.

After breakfast, the girls bee-lined it to the swings. We hung out on them forever pushing the girls and watching them giggle as they raced to see who could get higher, faster. Perry kept tilting her head to the side and smiling at us. She obviously loved the swing.

When they were finally over the swings, Charley held Perry, while Gracie showed us all how good she has gotten on the monkey bars. She plays on them every day at school and can even skip one or two at a time. She used to be so afraid of them, and now, she's a total pro.

Perry played on the slide with Charley, and wasn't sure what to do when she went down the first time.

I snapped a quick picture of my girls before Perry demanded that I feed her.

While I nursed the baby, Grace and Charley played a little hopscotch with Daddy.

Grandma Sunshine called to sing Daddy 'Happy Birthday', so he took a quick break from playing to talk to her.

Perry and I watched her crazy sisters run amok all over the playground and race down all of the slides.

Daddy played follow the leader with the girls, and they had so much fun following him around the playground.

The girls tried taking Perry down the slide, but she wasn't too impressed.

They took turns running down the slide and jumping off the bottom.

Perry was much happier going down the slide in Daddy's lap.

She stopped for a water break, while the girls drank out of the water fountain and got all wet.

Charley asked me to take a picture of her on the ladder, which basically turned into a photo shoot for her and Grace. Silly girls!

Perry tried sitting in the grass, but all she wanted to do was eat it.

We hung out on the bench, while Char put her fairy wings on and became an ice princess, throwing snow all over the place.

She and Grace chased each other all over, and Grace was the fire princess that melted all of Char's snow.

Since they were busy being crazies, Perry and I snuck away to snack on a sprinkle doughnut. Of course, she loved it, and it matched her outfit perfectly.

I took the girls over to climb the big trees, and they had a blast. Gracie was so brave and went really high all on her own. Char didn't want to go up at all unless I was holding on to her.

After spending all morning at the park, we spent the rest of the day painting while Daddy napped and then watching the Super Bowl at home. Isaac said turning thirty was nothing. This thirty-one thing is really getting to him, though. He keeps saying, "I'm almost 40!".

Happy Birthday, Daddy! 

We love you so much and are so thankful, grateful, blessed, happy (you get the point) to have you in our lives.

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