Last Week...

...I had a nail appointment Monday morning, so Isaac and I took Perr Bear to play at the park. It was windy and cold, and she wasn't impressed.

...Grace and Charley were off school for President's Day, so they had a sleepover with Papa Craig and Grandma Sunshine. They had a blast at their house, as usual.

...after my appointment, we headed to The District to walk around and grab lunch. We finally tried Me Gusta Tacos, and it was love at first bite. We are probably going to get their taco cart for Perry's first birthday fiesta. She was crazy about their black beans and couldn't get enough.

...meanwhile, the girls were exploring the Las Vegas Natural History Museum with Papa and Grandma. They loved seeing all of the different exhibits, but the caveman really freaked Grace out. She kept asking me questions about them when she got home. Charley told me they had a "real giraffe". I asked her if she got to pet it, and she said, "no, you just push a button and it turns real". They stopped at Chick-fil-A for a late lunch on their way home.

...Perry continued to eat black beans and rice at dinner time.

...she slept really well that night, and stretched out in her DockATot. 

...Tuesday morning, Perry was happy to be back to the usual routine. Her sisters doted on her when they came downstairs to leave for school that morning. I just love seeing her in Grace or Char's old clothes. It's the cutest!

...we played outside on Wednesday, and JJ showed Perry his new truck.

...she learned to make big splashes in the bath tub and had fun soaking everything.

...we snuggled in the rocking chair until she fell asleep.

...Gracie and I did homework, and she had me cracking up with her silliness.

...Perr looked so sweet sleeping, that I had to pick her up and snuggle her some more. I love how she folded her arms. Sweet girl.

...bath time is her favorite, and we spent more time playing in there on Friday night. She made the cutest sounds while she played in the water.

...we played with Snapchat Saturday morning, and Charley thought it was the funniest thing ever.

...we went to Town Square to do some shopping and let the girls run off some energy at the park. Perry was super excited when Daddy handed her a lollipop.

...we met the Sebastians for dinner that night and then took all of our crazy kiddos over to Bouncy World. They had so much fun running amok and jumping all over the place. It was so cute to watch them all play together. Daddy even took Perry in some of the bounce houses to play and took her down some slides. I didn't get any pictures of Char, because she's an animal and was bouncing on the tops of the bounce houses or fighting boys she didn't know when they tried taking the balls away from her friends. She's a wild child, for sure.

...Sunday morning, we met the Gerfys for breakfast at The Coffee Cup before doing our usual Sunday morning grocery shopping.

...when all of our errands were done, we decided to use a gift card we got for Christmas, and took the girls to lunch at Olive Garden. 

...Charley taught Perry how to color, and she was so proud of herself.

...back at home, we played out front with the kids, where Perry fell asleep on my lap.

...I went inside to snuggle with her. I don't know if I'll ever get enough snuggles from this girl.

...that night, she slept in her Pack n Play until I moved her into bed with me when I was ready to go to sleep.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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