Last Week...

...Charley had her first soccer practice of the spring season. She looked so cute, and I couldn't believe how much her ball control has grown since last year. This girl has some natural talent. She's so athletic.

...while she killed it on the field, Perry and I froze our tushies off on the sidelines.

...afterwards, the girls worked on their Valentine's and got them all ready to take to school the next day. I can't believe that they can both write their own names and do these things on their own. They are both getting so big, so fast. Grace finished hers quickly, since she only has sixteen kids in her class, so she helped Charley out.

...we got home way past Perry's bed time. I nursed her, and she just flipped over and passed out when she was done.

...the girls' Valentines were delivered to all of their cousins, grandparents, and best friends just in time for Valentine's Day. We got to them a little last minute, but they still turned out so cute.

...when I picked the girls up from school, Charley was handing her Valentines out to her class, so I hung out for a bit and watched these cuties play.

...once we got home, Grace took Perry for a ride in her wagon, and Charley was close behind.

...this new gang that's running our streets is super tough. You don't want to run into them when you're on your own. Trust me.

...they brought Daddy and me home the sweetest Valentine's. Grace made us a heart with rainbow tissue paper, Char made us a bouquet of handprints, and Perry gave us a heart and some footprints. I love that the kids learn so much and get to socialize with other kids their age everyday, but my favorite thing about them being in school is definitely the crafts that they bring home. I love to hang them on the fridge and really need to get a display wall put together for all of their artwork.

...Perry was super excited for her bath that night, and she kept clapping as soon as she got in.

...Wednesday was spent dancing around the living room to the Trolls soundtrack, while I got all of the laundry done and packed our suitcases for our California vacation. Daddy took lots of videos, and watching them all had me cracking up. Even Perry got in on the action.

...Daddy and Perr slept hard that night. They must've been tuckered out from all the dancing.

...we had a beautiful sunrise the next morning on the way to school, and we left after work to head to Yorba Linda. We were in need of a little getaway, so we decided kind of last minute to go stay near the Unertls and spend some much needed BFF time with them.

...we woke up Friday morning and had breakfast at Kimmie's Coffee Shop.

...after breakfast, we headed over to see our favorite little guys. The girls and Jakson got to playing immediately, and Jaser even shared some coconut creamies with Perry.

...we took these monkies to Sky Zone and let them burn off some energy. They had so much fun literally bouncing off the walls and playing with each other.

...Perry went a little nuts with the balls as she was bounced all over the trampolines.

...Grace and Char loved jumping into the foam pit and did so a million times.

...Jase and Perry were the cutest checking each other out.

...the big kids wanted to climb the rock wall, and they waited in line looking so sweet together.

...their first go around wasn't very impressive before they all fell almost immediately.

...they got in line again to give it another go.

...this time, the girls really impressed me. They were scaling the wall like it was nothing.

...meanwhile, Perry and Jase played with foam, while Kasie and I got to catch up.

...we headed back to our hotel after lunch to take a nap. Gracie spotted a snail and just wanted to sit in the rain to watch him.

...after the girls napped, we headed back over to the Unertls for dinner. We all had so much fun cooking dinner together like the old days. All of us were so happy to spend time with our friends.

...Saturday morning, we decided to head to the beach since the rain had stopped. We went to Balboa Candy to let the girls pick out some snacks. we walked down the pier, there was a light mist that was freezing. We had to stop and get Perry a jacket with a hood. The only thing they had in her size was a $25 hoodie. At least it had Pooh on the front. She spotted a seagull and kept waving to it, which was adorable. was a little windy as we watched the waves roll in.

...we have taken a picture in this spot every time we've been to Newport since Gracie and Char were babies. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to finally get one with Perry in there.

...since it was so cold, we decided to try the beach out on Sunday instead. The Unertls came to meet us for lunch at Greenleaf Chop Shop. There was a flower stand across the street, so Daddy took Grace and Char to pick out some flowers while we waited. girls all looked so pretty and were being so good. It was so nice to get out of our routine for a few days and just enjoy spending some quality time with them.

...after lunch, we all walked to Starbucks for some coffee. The girls wanted more flowers, and since we were passing by there again, we had to let them. Jakson even got in the mix, and they took the cutest picture ever as they picked out their favorite color flowers.

...the girls wanted to play at a park, so we went to Mustang Park where we sat on the swings, hung on the monkey bars, and laughed as we watched our little ones run all over the place.

...we went to the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner and were greeted by the most beautiful sunset when we came outside. Everyone was standing outside the front of the store taking pictures.

...we spent the night cooking and playing at the Unertls again, and it couldn't have been more perfect. We miss being able to spend our weekends with these guys so much! We had the best time with them, as usual.

...Sunday morning, we wanted to stop by the Peloton shop in Fashion Island, since we've been thinking about getting one. It wasn't open yet, so we played at Barnes and Noble, while we waited.

...on the way to the shop, there was a Koi pond with pads for the kids to jump on. They loved watching the fish swim around them as they played.

...we finally made it to the beach, and the girls were able to play in the sand and the waves.

...Perry liked the blanket better than anything else.

...Grace and Char had a blast digging holes, sliding down the sand berms, and running from the waves. We get a pretty good seashell haul this time, too, because there were tractors there the day before moving the berms around.

...Perry had the right idea. Could there be a more peaceful place to nap?

...when she finally woke up, we tried getting her to enjoy the water. It was a little too cold for her liking, and she wasn't having it.

...right after that video, girlfriend threw up all over me, so we knew it was time to go. All of the girls slept most of the way home.

...we dropped Grace and Charley off with Grandma Sunshine and Papa Craig for a sleepover, and Perry was extra happy for her nightly bath and to be back in her routine.

We had the best week ever. It was so nice to getaway, see our best friends, and just change it up for a few days. Now it's back to the daily grind. See you next week!

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