Last Week...

...Monday, Perry had her nine month wellness check, and she was perfect. Fiftieth percentile all around and the happiest baby ever. She had to get one shot, but Charley took it harder than Perry did. Char played doctor with her while we waited and Perry thought it was so funny.

...Perry played in the bathtub, and I tried getting her to laugh afterwards to get a picture of her new teeth. Her second top tooth is almost through. It was cracking me up to see her sleepy little giggles.

...she was so tired and went down easy. She's been doing a good job lately of sleeping in her pack 'n play for the first few hours each night, so I can get stuff done (like laundry and blogging).

...Charley's class made pictures to hang for Valentine's Day about what they loved. While other kids picked cookies and toys, Charley chose to draw a picture of her family.

...Gracie is always out riding her bike when I get home from work, and one of her favorite things is to ride "up to the 'x'". She comes down this hill so fast, and it gives me crazy anxiety every time. She makes sure to take it easy when I'm watching.

...Perr Bear required some snuggling after her bath that night, since she had a little fever from her shots. It's so hard to get this kid to take medicine. She hates it, so it's always a struggle.

...we scored some sweet samples from our favorite shop, June and January, from their upcoming spring/summer line, and the girls couldn't wait to try their goods on. I'm loving this bubblegum and wasabi pairing and may have ordered them each some stuff in these colors for spring. Char's avocado shirt was quickly taken over by Grace who begs to wear it to bed nearly every night "because it's so comfy".

...I snuggled Perry while catching up on some of my shows in bed.

...we caught a gorgeous sunrise that made the sky look like it was on fire.

...Perry's class made some footprint love bugs that were to die for.

...she rode in her wagon, while her sisters rode their bikes.

...we had tacos for dinner, and this girl got down on some ground turkey, avocados, and Spanish rice.

...we snuggled extra hard that night. I can't get enough of this little one.

...Gracie had her 100th day of school and completed this packet. In 100 hundred seconds, she can write her name 11 times, she could eat 100 Oreo cookies, she could not eat 100 hamburgers, and we might have a problem if there were 100 dinosaurs.

...she also drew this awesome picture of her at 100 years old. My favorite parts are the sweater, glasses, and walking cane.

...she wrote a short story about being one hundred years old.

...we went to Crepe Expectations for breakfast on Saturday where Daddy gave Perry her first taste of Nutella and also pineapple juice. Obviously, she was a fan of both. After breakfast, we walked around the car show that is in the parking lot every Saturday morning.

...our next stop was the park. We were planning on a park play date, but it was just way too cold out. We let the girls play for a little while, because they didn't seem to mind it.

...I also made them take Valentine's Day pictures in their sweet matching shirts from Mrs. Grant.

...back at home, Perry got a bath and played with her foam letters. Aside from teaching her the ABC's, they make great teethers.

...that afternoon, we had a birthday party at Crystal Palace for Gracie's friend, Kenna. I was a little nervous, because I haven't worn skates in maybe twenty years. It was like I was ten again, and I was a total pro. I had so much fun skating around the rink with Grace and Char to show them the ropes. They were both a little nervous at first, but they had a blast the entire time, and we had trouble getting them to leave. How cute are these girls in their skates?!

...I loved that their friends wanted to help them, too. We have such a great group of kids that Gracie goes to school with. I hope Charley gets just as lucky with the boys and girls in her class next year.

...after the party, our earlier park play date turned in to a movie night at the Luks'. The girls had a blast playing with all of the kiddos, and we had so much fun spending time with them and the Keltons. 

...Acelyn and Perry, who were born two days apart, finally had their first play date and were adorable. I can't wait to watch these two become best buds as they grow up!

...Daddy gave Perry her first Girl Scout Cookie, and she was in heaven.

...Sunday morning, after watching her buddy Acelyn clap the night before, Perry decided to start clapping. It was so cute, and she now does it every time someone says, "yayyy".

...we met the Gerfy's and Unertls at the park after our usual Sunday trip to Costco, and it was sprinkling and freezing. Luckily, the kids couldn't care less, and they had a blast running amok, swinging with friends, and walking Lola.

...that night, Perry had raspberries and avocados for dinner (in her raspberry and avocado outfit). She had us laughing as she made silly faces and laughed along with us.

What a fun week! See you next time <3

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