Last Week...

...Perry started off the week with her very first popsicle. She loved it, even though it was super cold.

...she slept so peacefully that I kept waking up to check on her. I really could watch her sleep all night.

...Charley dressed herself before school and looked so cute. She even found this old unicorn headband that we had. I can't believe how big this girl is getting.

...she played with Perry on the way home from school and had her giggling up a storm in the car.

...we had a beautiful sunset on the way to work the next morning.

...Miss Dawn sent me these pictures of Perry and Niko causing a ruckus in their classroom.

...Perry thought I was super funny that night and gave us her first real belly laughs.

...then she passed out on mama after bath time.

...she fought her morning nap at school.

...but was obviously tired and fell asleep two minutes later.

...we had dinner at Grammy and Papa Rick's to celebrate Isaac and Alex's birthdays.

...Perr Perr and I snuggled, while I watched TV in bed. She's such a sweet baby, and I never want to put her down.

...Gracie had career week at school, and some of the kids parents came in to discuss their careers. She had so much fun learning about the K-9s and told me all about them when she got home.

...Isaac and I met Grandma Sunshine for his birthday lunch at Yard House on Friday.

...I took Char and Perry with me to pick Grace up from school since Shelly was out of town, and Daddy snuck up on us and surprised us. Perry was so happy to see her daddy.

...we went to Scarlett's birthday party at Color Me Mine in The District on Friday night. Since the girls were painting, Isaac and I took Perry for a stroll outside. We got some coffee, picked a spot on the couches out front, and FaceTimed with the Unertls. I think Perry enjoyed having us all to herself.

...once we were back inside, Perry tried to take Daddy's Coke and loved squishing the can. Grace and Charley ate cupcakes and played musical chairs and freeze dance with their friends. We all had a blast hanging with some of the funnest people!

(Happy Birthday, Scarlett!)

...the next morning, Daddy put Perry in the shower with Charley. They both had fun playing in the water.

...Perry went down for her morning nap afterwards. This girl needs her beauty sleep.

...we had another birthday party that morning, and the girls wore their cutest blush and slate outfits. This combo is one of my favorites! the party, they had a petting zoo and unicorn rides. Charley loved the unicorn, while Grace was happy just to play with the bunnies. Perry didn't make a peep the whole time as she loved just taking everything in.

...the girls were so cute riding the unicorn. Perry wasn't about to let them make her wear the helmet, and she did so good riding with Daddy's help.

...we went inside to snack, and the girls played in the ball pit. Perry was in heaven in there.

...we had so much fun celebrating Londyn's first birthday. We love you, little one!

...we had about an hour before our third birthday party of the weekend, so Daddy and Perry napped, while I watched the big girls ride their bikes out front.

...Perry woke up just in time to leave for Kait's first birthday party.

...Gracie loved seeing her buddy Cash, and was so excited to play with him. Perry had fun playing inside with Kait Kait.

...we sat out back with baby Brielle, and then Char and Kait were back at it, while we got ready for cake. Kait loved it and dug right in.

(Happy First Birthday, Kait Kait!)

...after all of that partying, we had to stop by Poppa and Grandma's. Every time Char goes over there, she loves to comb Poppa's hair. They made Isaac his favorite pineapple upside down cake for his birthday.

...we spent Sunday morning at the park celebrating Daddy's birthday at the park.

...back at home, Daddy and Perry napped, while I painted out back with Grace and Char. They picked some pinecones out at the park, so we painted those and made some heart paintings, too. Grace insisted on doing hers red, white, and blue, because she loves America.

...Perr Perr was still sleepy, so I snuggled with her while we waited for the Super Bowl to start. She was pooped from so much partying this week. (Her little Char Char lips just kill me.)

...after the game, we snuggled some more in bed.

We had a crazy busy week, but it was tons of fun!

See you next time!

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