Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Cheering on the Girls at Their Apex Fun Run

The girls were still working on the fundraiser this week, and Char's class got enough pledges to earn a freeze dance party on Monday.

I got Grace and Charley these dresses a few weeks ago, and they have been begging me to wear them. I finally let them on Monday, and Grace wanted me to send a picture to Grandma Sunshine since she had told her all about it. She said she added a little sass "because Grandma likes when I'm sassy".

Perry helped me make grilled shrimp and veggies for dinner, and by helped, I mean she mixed up all the labels on my spices.

We did homework after dinner, and Char drew this picture from "Llama Llama Mad at Mama". I was so proud of her for spelling it out all by herself "momu lomu".

Perry has recently started making her Care Bears kiss each other, and it's the cutest thing ever. I tried getting her to do it Tuesday morning, but she wasn't that into it.

We caught another pretty sunrise on the way to school.

Ava is obsessed with Uncle Isaac's beard and holds on for dear life whenever he holds her.

Grace and Char had crazy sock day and looked so cute. I forgot to get a picture before school, so I had to take one after.

Daddy and Perry shared some edamame at Char's soccer practice.

She also read Halloween books to us.

Charley told me about when you should tell an adult and when you shouldn't be a tattle tale.

I had to pick Grace up from school on Wednesday, because she had a fever and wasn't feeling well. She came back to work with me and slept the afternoon away.

Back at home, we watched Tangled, and Perry worked on saying "Rapunzel".

Thursday was the girls' Apex Fun Run to complete their fundraiser. Grace wasn't able to go to school that day, since she had a fever the day before, but Charley couldn't wait.

While Char ran her laps, Perry drank the water.

I was so proud of Charley for kicking butt. She raced the boys and sprinted past most of the girls. All of the sudden, you'd see her come around the corner like she was shot out of the tunnel and girlfriend would book it to the line where you get your laps marked off.

She ended up with thirty-seven laps, and we had so much fun cheering her on.

The popsicle she got at the end made it all worth it.

Grace found her class when they came out to run their laps right as Char's class was going in. She decided that she'd try and run a little with her friends.

She's definitely my child, because six laps in, she was done. In her defense, she did still have a fever, so even running six laps was impressive.

We headed back to the office where Ava had Grace cracking up as she completed her "to do list".

Charley brought home work from school where she had to draw rhyming words and drew a nose, fangs, and an oven.

The girls have costumes that go together, so we had to find something different for school (since they are at different schools). Of course, Perry had to be a Care Bear, and when the costume came in, I could not wait to try it on her. She looked so sweet, but she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

She laughed at Charley when she put the bear head on.

We played around, while we waited for Daddy to get home from work.

Perry snacked on edamame and practiced saying it. She scares me every time, because she shoves handful after handful into her little mouth.

She looked super comfy before school on Friday, and I didn't want to wake her up.

The girls had pajama day and wore their matching unicorn jammies.

Perry loves to FaceTime Daddy, so every time she sees me with my phone she asks to call him.

We met the Lukses and Keltons at Paradise Pointe Park where Perry learned to climb up the stairs and go down the slide all by herself.

Saturday morning we had soccer games, and Perry hung out with her friend, Theo, while Char Char killed it on the field.

We lost count, but Charley had eight or nine goals. Girlfriend was on fire. Meanwhile, Perry read her "Boo" book and played with Care Bears.

We had an hour in between games, so we stopped at Wahoo's for lunch where Perry napped the whole time.

Next up was Gracie's game. She played hard and got to play against some of her classmates from school. She had fun, but she was not happy when they lost the game.

Perry enjoyed the after game snacks, though.

Grace and Charley ended up going home with Grandma Sunshine for a sleepover, so we only had Perry when we met up with some friends at The District for dinner. She loved running through the water until she got soaked. Then she spent the rest of the night running into Me Gusta Tacos and throwing Care Bears all over the place.

She woke up happy Sunday morning and was all about kisses and cheesin'.

I gave her a bath, and she wasn't happy that Toodles was hanging on the side of the tub. She loves to run up to him and yell, "no, Toodles!".

She also worked on brushing her teeth. Notice that those canines still aren't fully in. Ugh!

She wore the cutest outfit with her new rust tights that June and January sent us. They drop on October 18th, so we had to get some pictures to show them off before hand.

We ran some errands, and Perry was happy to play in her pack 'n play when we got home.

She was determined to open the blinds, but she can't quite reach the cord.

Grandma took the girls to Tivoli Village for lunch, and they had fun playing at Charming Charlie's.

Isaac went to his first (pre-season) hockey game that night with some guy friends and fell in love. We may just become hockey fans this season now that we have our own team!

That night, Perry woke up to nurse around 2am. We have been sleeping with the news on instead of ESPN, and I saw that there had been a shooting with twenty plus dead and a hundred more injured. It didn't really register that it said Las Vegas. I looked at my phone and had a text from my sister about it, and then it clicked that this was happening right here, right now. There was still an active scene and no one knew if there were more shooters as the police were searching for a women and two vehicles. My Facebook news feed was flooded with family and friends saying that they were safe and comments about what was still happening down on the Strip. I woke Isaac up, and we watched the news until we had to leave for work. I cried, felt physically sick, and was terrified to go to work or send my kids to school. We managed to get through the morning, but I kept the news on all day at work as the number of deaths and injuries rose. I decided that we would go donate blood on our lunch break, but I quickly learned that they were turning people away due to such a high volume of people coming out to donate. We donated to the victims Go Fund Me account and waited to see what else there was that we could do. I was born here, as were my parents, and I can't remember a sadder day for our hometown. It was so tragic and still feels so surreal that one crazy person could cause so much devastation here. Although it has been hard, the stories of heroes, people donating, and the community coming together to love on one another has filled my heart with so much pride. Las Vegas is a big city, but it's also small. Everyone here knows someone that was there or was hurt or lost, and we have all shared this unimaginable experience together with our loved ones. The light in this city is shining brighter than ever even though we will be left with a scar for years to come. Next week will be full of healing and sharing what happened with our girls. We are Vegas Strong.

Please say a prayer for all of the first responders, everyone that attended the concert, and the families and friends of those that were killed or injured. They could all use a little help to heal from the events they experienced this past week. Remember to be the good and spread the love.

"Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that." - Martin Luther King Jr.

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