Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Pumpkin Patchin' with the Girls

Perry woke up in the middle of the night on Sunday throwing up. She was still at it in the morning, so I had to take the day off work. When we got up to take the girls to school, she got her first big girl pony tail and looked so stinking cute.

Grace and Char had mustache (Hey Reb) day, so they got ready in their cutest UNLV gear, and we drew mustaches on their fingers.

Perry and I hung out at home and watched Tangled more than once. The poor baby didn't feel well and just snuggled in my arms all morning. We went through a few outfits as the day went on, and she continued to throw up everything she was eating.

She finally fell asleep, and I didn't want to risk putting her down and waking her.

When she woke up, it was like she was all better. We ran to the store and got some lunch while we were out. When we got home, she was all about her Care Bears and back to her happy self.

She was so excited to pick her sisters up from school and couldn't wait for the bell to ring.

Gracie brought home this math test that she got 100% on, and I noticed the back as we were flipping through papers. She writes little notes to her teacher all the time on her work. I'm glad that she's loving school so much this year.

Charley brought home this paper where she had to write about different things you could make out of pumpkins. My favorite was her Jack-o-Lantern and how she did such a great job spelling out such a big word! Jackulatern.

Grace read Perry's favorite Boo book to her at Char's soccer practice, and we played with my phone to pass the time.

Charley took over the beginning of Grace's practice and played coach.

Perry played with the ball and is getting better and better at dribbling it around the field.

Grace and Char had crazy hair day on Wednesday, so we went out of our comfort zone with some new styles.

Isaac and I got to tour the T-Mobile Arena and learn all about their premium seating packages. They have some great deals, and we're hoping we can look into some of them to help build our client relationships (and watch some hockey while we're at it!). It was so cool to see everything this arena has to offer. There isn't a bad seat in the house, and there are clubs and VIP bars all over the place to watch events from a different perspective. Grace and Charley were so jealous when I showed them the pictures and how close we got to the ice.

We went over more school work that night, and Charley drew some of her favorite things and wrote about the different parts of a pumpkin.

Gracie had Wacky Wednesday where her teacher does fun science experiments with the class. This week they learned about the different properties that liquids can have.

They taught Perry the Hokey Pokey, and she had us all cracking up at her spin moves.

We waited for the girls after school, and they talked me into Slurpees on the way home.

Perry slept hard that night in her new jammies. It's finally getting cold enough at night for long sleeves around here.

She was not in the best mood after school Friday, and the word of the day was "no".

The Gerfy's came over to hang out and watch the Golden Knights game, and Perry had so much fun playing with her best buddy, Amelia.

Saturday morning was back-to-back soccer games with Gracie up first. Her team played so hard with only five girls, while Char had a rough day with only two goals. Both of them had fun, as usual.

We spent Saturday afternoon at Staheli Family Farm and had the best time, as usual.

We didn't get our fill of the pumpkin patch in St. George, so we headed to Stu Miller's Pumpkin Patch a bit closer to the house.

After a few pictures, the girls spent lots of time going down the blow up slides over and over again. Amelia joined them when she got there, and Perry even got in on the action.

After the slides, we slowly made our way over to the petting zoo. 

The goats were being so silly, and the workers gave the girls some food to feed them. They loved it (the girls and the goats), and Amelia was so sweet with Perry.

(Seriously, look at her face. So sweet!)

We waited in line and went on a ride that left Perry unimpressed. She was straight-faced the entire time and then cried when she had to get off. Grace and Char spun themselves around like crazy people and laughed the whole time.

Perr Perr was loving her pumpkin and kept giving it hugs and kisses.

She sure has got that cheese face down. We got some adorable pictures of all of the girls on the way out.

After lunch with Matt and Frannie at World of Beers, we debated going to the Knights game that evening. When we finally decided against it and booked tickets for a game in two weeks instead, Gracie cried and cried. She wanted to go so badly. The countdown is definitely on. We  had to get her some ice cream to cheer her up.

Back at home, Perry fed me some of her home made soup, and it was so good that she had to steal some bites herself.

We did the Hokey Pokey some more, and Perry was a little better at it this time around.

All of that turning herself around really wore her out, and she passed out pretty quickly.

That's all for now. See you next week :)

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