Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Charley's Kindergarten Friends with the Henderson Fire Dept for Fire Safety Week

Perry woke me up to eat Monday morning at 2 am, and after seeing what was transpiring on the strip, I didn't want to put her down. Needless to say, we were all exhausted in the morning after not sleeping all night.

I was kind of a mess trying to decide if I wanted to send the girls to school, but Char's teacher sent a sweet text saying that the kids would be well taken care of and loved on all day. She had Fire Safety Week at school, so she got to check out the fire truck and learn all about fire safety. 

Grammy sent me this picture when she picked her up from school, and Char did not want to take that hat off.

The girls made cookies with Grammy after school, and they turned out so cute!

Meanwhile, Perr and I got our grocery shopping done.

The girls got their fall school pictures back, and they looked so pretty. I couldn't wait to put them up in our frames in the hallway.

We had a long talk with the girls that night about the shooting and how important it was to look for the good and BE THE GOOD. We talked a little about the bad guy and A LOT about the heroes: both other concert goers and first responders. We cried, we hugged, and we told the girls that they needed to watch out for each other. They told us how they knew what to do to stay safe, and then we had a great conversation about what it means to spread love and help people in need. There is good everywhere, and we need to make sure that we are a part of it. A friend posted this on Facebook, and I loved it and thought it was a great reminder that we cannot live in fear and that building our children up positively is so important to the future.

We had Coffee Bean delivered the next morning, and they had written #vegasstrong on the cups. Although this week has been emotional and tough, I love seeing our community coming together. I turned on the sheriffs latest update when I was driving home from work and started crying as they described they light in our city. The blood donation lines were 6-8 hours long, they were turning away food, water, and supply donations, because they had no where to put everything that they had already received, and the Go Fund Me account had amassed millions of dollars to go to the victims. We might live in sin city, but the way the community came together after what happened made me so proud to be #vegasborn.

Perry and I played in the car while we waited for Grace and Charley. (Notice how red her eye is.)

 The girls had dentist appointments after school. Our dentist moved into a new office, and it's the coolest! No one had any cavities, but Grace has lost all of her front eight teeth, so she has to go back next week to get fitted for her trans-palatal arch. Her teeth are crowded, and this will help to maintain some space as her big girl teeth start to come in the back.

We did some homework when we got home, and Charley made this picture of words that describe her. She included her favorite color (teal), a girl, spaghetti, and her playing soccer.

Perry's eye was red all around the outside skin when we got home. I kept an eye on her, and it seemed to get worse. After her bath, it was a little better, and she went right to sleep. The next morning, it was a little goopy, so I decided to take her to the CVS Minute Clinic before school. Since we didn't have to leave the house so early, she helped me with dishes.

We dropped Grace and Charley off at school, and Perry's eye was 100% better. We stopped at CVS, but the line was long and the electronic check-in said you had to be 18, so I just decided she was fine and took her to school. It never got red again, so I'm not sure what it was. 

When I picked her up from school, she had fun throwing wipes all over the car, while we waited for Grace and Charley.

The teachers gave the girls all popsicles before we left. They're so spoiled.

Char Char did sight words after soccer practice. I'm so proud of her and how well she's doing in spelling and reading.

The Unertls came over for dinner that night, and we were so happy to see them! The kids loved on each other, played, and watched movies together. I'm so glad we got to spend some time with them.

Jase went in for the kiss when they were leaving, but Perry isn't about that life just yet.

That night, I saw some text messages that were being sent to kids at some of the high schools around town. The news said it was also happening in five other states, and they all looked something like this. Normally, I probably would have felt OK after they arrested a student before school the next morning, but in light of what happened last Sunday, I opted to keep the kids at day care for the day instead of sending them to school. Luckily, it turned out to be harmless, but I couldn't help but to be extra cautious this week.

We went to Grace's soccer practice on Thursday, and Perry took turns kissing each of her Care Bears before kicking the ball all over the place.

The harvest moon rose over practice, and it was so beautiful.

We went over more school work when we got home, and Grace surprised me with her award for Bucket Filler of the Week! I was so proud of her. She is so caring and loving towards all of her peers, and it makes my heart so happy to hear that from everyone at school each time we see them. She's got the biggest heart, that girl.

Charley colored a pretty rainbow bear and finished her pumpkin project to turn in on Friday. She had to make a pumpkin into her favorite book character, and she chose Llama Llama.

It made me happy to see the #vegasstrong hashtag on my coffee again on Friday.

Grace had an adjective fashion show in class, where they worked on using describing words. The kids all looked so cute, and they obviously had tons of fun.

Charley's teacher sent me this video of her reading in class. She said she wishes she would have been recording earlier, because watching Char read put a huge smile on her face. We love Mrs. Grant!

After school, Perry hung out in her truck, while the girls played with the Sebastians.

We made our way to the back yard, and I had to try to keep Perry away from the trampoline while all of the big kids jumped on it.

The girls must have gotten my Canon camera Saturday morning, because I found these awesome shots when I went to look at it.

Perry played with her princess castle and watched the Sooners with Daddy, while the rest of us got ready for soccer games.

Gracie played a great game and had fun with her teammates, and Perry helped Daddy with the half time speech.

Perry and Theo ate yogurt, while their big sisters played in their soccer game.

Charley had nine goals that day. This girl is a beast on the field. Triple hat trick!

We stopped at Target, and the girls insisted on taking pictures on the red balls out front.

We dropped Gracie off at Lyla's to celebrate her birthday with a costume party. Since it was right after her game, Gracie went as a soccer player. So creative, right?!

We spent Sunday morning at Art in the Park, where I took some sweet, fall pictures of the girls.

When we got home, the girls made Thank You cards for the first responders. We are planning to give them to by brother-in-law, who is a Metro cop, to take to his station. I thought this would be a great way for the girls to get involved.

(Not really sure why these are posting upside down...)

Perry and I snuggled in bed and took naps all afternoon.

We made it. Another busy week in the books, and I'm so glad this one is over. See you next time!

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