Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Sisters at The Wetlands

Grammy picked Grace and Charley up from school on Monday, so Perry had the house to herself. She watched Care Bears and snacked on Fruit Rolls and Doritos.

The girls had fun at Grammy's and built a Halloween House.

Isaac was working late, and it was just Perry and me for dinner. We had a pulled pork and kale salad with corn. She loved it and kept asking for more.

When the girls got home, we did homework. Charley's class has been working on making their own sentences from who, what, and where. I can't believe how good she is getting at sounding out words and writing. She's so smart and impresses me each week. She also drew a picture of herself baking cookies to show how you can be kind to your friends.

The Golden Knights played on Tuesday, so Perry wore her super cute dress to school. She also made a Halloween bracelet in class that day and wouldn't let me take it off.

She decorated the letter 'B' with tissue paper.

We had sandwiches with blackberries for dinner. and she got a little messy.

Charley took my Canon camera again and took these pictures of Perry. She's been walking around the house with this ghost on her finger saying "rawr" all week.

Grace and Perry played on the trampoline after school.

The girls got some Halloween coloring crafts at the store last week, and they wanted to color them outside. We put a big blanket down and let them hang out on the driveway. Perry loves to copy her big sisters and had me laughing as she followed Char's every move.

We went to grab dinner, and Perry discovered a new game. She'll yell "mama" over and over with increasing intensity until I look back and acknowledge her. Then she smiles and waves "hi". It reminded me of that episode of Family Guy. She's a nut.

Thursday afternoon, I went to the girls' school for Charley's pumpkin discovery day. We had a blast hanging out with her friends, learning all about pumpkins, and she was the cutest kid there.

Perry wore her Hocus Pocus tee from Rough and Tumble Tees and looked adorable.

We did more homework that night, and Grace wrote all about her Changing States of Matter science experiment of the week.

Charley drew a picture of a witch planting pumpkins in her garden and worked on more sentences.

Friday was the day we had been counting down to for weeks. We took the girls to their first Vegas Golden Knights hockey game. We had so much fun, and Gracie and Charley cheered their little hearts out. They've been watching every game at home on the TV and screaming at it the whole game. I can't get over how much these kids like hockey. They were never this passionate about football, but since the Knights are our hometown team, they're all about it. I love that we are getting to make these fun memories with the girls and hope that they love hockey forever. We're so glad that Vegas finally got a professional team for us to root for.

In true Perry fashion, she slept through the second period. Kid can sleep anywhere.

My friend, Kristina, came to visit us and brought the girls these hockey pucks.

The Knights won 7-0, and the girls went crazy each time they scored a goal.

After the game, all of the employees at the arena lined the walkway to the exit and high-fived all of the fans. The atmosphere was amazing, and it was so fun to be a part of.

After the game, we met the family on Water Street for Last Friday and enjoyed some ice cream cones.

Saturday morning, we went to The Coffee Bean for coffee and had Rachel's Kitchen for breakfast.

We followed breakfast up with some park time at Hidden Falls.

That afternoon, we met my family at the Wetlands for some family pictures. We got there a few minutes early, so my sister, Andrea, could snap a few pics of the girls in their Christmas dresses. We only had about ten minutes, and she got these adorable shots.

We made a quick outfit change before our photographer arrived, and the girls couldn't have looked any cuter.

We got this sneak peek of the pictures and can't wait to see the rest of them.

Sunday morning, Perry colored and ate biscuits and gravy in her jammies. This is Grace's favorite breakfast, so I promised I'd make it for her this weekend.

After breakfast, we carved the girls' pumpkins. Grace and Charley were able to help a lot more this year, and Perry loved scooping all of the seeds back in to the pumpkin.

They turned out super cute. Char chose Neytiri from Avatar, Perry got a smiley face with heart eyes, and Grace chose a cat.

We went to Ventanos for dinner, and Perry loved playing with Baby Ava.

Char and Grace got spoiled with ice cream from Arnauld, as usual.

Charley was singing on the way home, and this girl is still talking about the Golden Knights.

We had a super busy week, but it was lots of fun. See you next week :)

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