Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Happy Mother's Day!

Charley finally got to hold the baby chicks at school, and she couldn't stop talking about them for the rest of the day.

The Sharks tweeted that they scored as many goals in one game as the Kings did in their entire series with us. The Kings clapped back with the best response: "and then what happened?". Of course we all know what happened, the Knights beat the Sharks and sent them packing, too.

On the way home from checking the mail, we had to stop to let these little baby quail cross the street. They were so adorable and tiny.

We got Gracie's soccer pictures back, and girlfriend looks so grown up and beautiful. These are my favorite soccer pictures we've ever gotten of her. We love the girls on her team so much. Most of them go to school with her and are even in her class, so it's nice that they get to play together.

That night, the Washington Capitals beat the Penguins to win their series. After the game, the arena in Pittsburgh was ringing with chants for the Golden Knights. Since Fleury came from Pittsburgh, they were all still excited to cheer Fleury on as the Knights advanced into the next round.

Tuesday, Gracie had her field trip to Springs Preserve to see the butterfly exhibit. I tried to go to this one, but my name didn't get drawn. She had so much fun and loved seeing all of the butterflies.

The girls had soccer practice that evening, and Char practiced with Gracie's team after her own practice. Grace continued to get better and was even catching the balls thrown in and letting them bounce off her chest.

With all the birthday celebrating we did last week, Perry was singing "Happy Birthday" as she fell asleep that night.

Toodles came in to help me wake Perry up the next morning, and she was so sleepy.

One she woke up, she was in a happy mood. Especially when Char Char gave her some Hatchimals to hold.

Charley made a pet rock at school and named him Dimeind (Diamond).

I take the girls to the same studio every year for Santa pictures, because we love them so much, and the girls really feel like they know Santa. They are offering a super cool new Christmas special where the kids wear these matching pajamas, get special wish books to write in and leave for Santa every year, and you get a board book with their pictures and the story from their session. When Mikel asked if we wanted to do the shoot at no cost for him to use for promotions, I was all about it. I cannot wait to get the book and show it off. I'll be doing a special post just for that when it comes in! The girls looked precious in the jammies, and the pictures turned out so good that I may order a large canvas print, too.

I took this picture behind the scenes when they were shooting.

Here is a sneak peek of what they will look like in the book. So awesome!

Perry was exhausted after her bath that evening and went to bed early.

The caterpillars in Grace's class finally turned in to butterflies, and they released them on Friday.

Perry was so excited when I picked her up from school on Friday and couldn't wait to go home. 

Saturday morning, Perry hung out in bed with Daddy.

Gracie had a great last soccer game of the season. She really grew so much this year and even scored a couple of goals. We're so proud of her!

We went to lunch with Auntie Stef, Presley, and Paxton after Grace's game and got down on some pizza.

Next up was Charley's game. This girl killed it. Daddy told her that if she scored five goals, she could get a Slurpee. She asked if she could also get a candy bar if she scored six goals, and he said yes. Then she said, "what if I get seven goals?", and he said he'd take her shopping at Justice.

This kid scored eight goals!!

Guess where we went after her game? Yep, straight to Justice where Perry slept the whole time, and we ran into Char's best friend from preschool, Valeska. These kids were in the same class since they were six months old. Valeska goes to a different school now, so it was so nice to see her and her family.

We had to stop for pretzels since we were there.

That night, we watched the Knights game. They didn't win (notice Perry and I were not in bed), but the boys were extra feisty, and we were loving all of the big hits.

Sunday was Mother's Day, and the girls made me the cutest gifts at school. Those are always my most favorite. Isaac got me the new Apple Watch, but he gave it to me like three weeks early. That's kind of his M.O.

The girls made a video to send to their Grandmas.

We met at my mom's house first, and then headed to Art Fest on Water Street. We go every year, and we always have fun checking out the booths.

After the festival, we met the guys at Cheesecake Factory for brunch. We anticipated a long wait, so we made them head over early. Grammy waited in the car with the kids, since our table still wasn't ready when we arrived. We had a fun lunch with everyone before heading to our next stop.

We stopped by Grandma Espejo's for a few minutes to drop off her gift, and of course the girls wanted to swim. We let them get in for a little bit before we had to head out to Summerlin.

Perry was cracking me up on the drive out there as she "sang" along to every song.

We waited for Grandma Sunshine and Papa Craig to arrive so we could meet them for an early dinner.

After we ate, we shopped around for a bit, and the girls had fun being silly.

I had a really great Mother's Day with my girls. They make every day better, but it's the best when they're so silly and keep me laughing all day long.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there!

See ya next week!

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