Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Visiting the Unertls

I saw this on Twitter and thought it was perfect. People keep saying that Vegas doesn't deserve a championship because other teams have never won one, and the Knights are new. Vegas has never had a professional sports team in 112 years, so I think we're due for a championship over here.

Charley's class made bunnies out of pudding, and she said they were super yummy.

Perry threw a fit, and I can't even remember why. I made sure to document it, though, because she doesn't do this too often, and I thought it was hilarious.

Grace's class did some fun activities every day during the last week of school. Tuesday they made wicked apples and got to see how fast an apple went bad after pouring vinegar inside of it.

We got Charley's class picture back, and she looks so adorable in it.

Gracie had her first presentation this year, and it was on the arctic tundra. She did so well, and I'm so proud of her for getting up there so confidently.

She even got to bring home a book about her presentation to keep, and her note cards with hearts and stars all over them are the cutest.

On Wednesday, they made lemonade in a bag and shook it all up before drinking it with a straw.

Charley brought home lots of school work on her last day of school.

I love this "about me" section that says she will not eat chicken or beef. True story - she is not a fan of meat.

This is a picture she drew of herself on the first day of school and the last day. So cool to see how much she's changed.

This has to be my favorite. The first page in her journal, where I have no idea what she is talking about, and the last two entries where she says she wants to go to the beach and camping under the stars during summer break. She has come SO far, and it's awesome to see.

We sent care packages for the kids to open in Camp Kinder with their favorite snack, a stuffed animal, and a hand written note from mom.

Grace's class made Skittle artwork, which was super colorful.

Char brought home gifts all week including this adorable popsicle holder from her teacher. It's the best, because my girls eat Otter Pops all summer long, and they always have to hold them with a paper towel wrapped around so their hands don't freeze. Her teacher is our favorite and sent home one for Grace and Perry, too.

The official last day of school was Kinder Field Day. Charley had a blast hula hooping, spraying the teachers, and playing with her friends.

Grace's teacher made each of the kids this pennant with a class picture and all of the kids' signatures. It's so cute, and Grace hung it up in her bedroom.

Her little group of friends was not happy that school was out. When I went to pick Grace up, they were all balling in a circle.

The fifth graders will be heading to middle school next year, so they did a fifth grade walk where everyone made a tunnel and cheered them on as they left elementary school for the last time. Everyone had tears through their cheers, because we all know that kids grow way too fast, and this was a huge milestone for them.

I got home to find a Golden Knights blanket on my porch with a sweet note from The Keltons. I love that we've built such a great friendship with them, because they are the best.

Gracie brought home an Excellent Encourager certificate from her teacher for being so encouraging to all of the other kids in her class. She's always the one to say, "you can do it!" when another kid is struggling with something, which is probably the thing I love most about her.

She also brought home this sweet letter from her teacher that had me crying my eyes out. There is no doubt that we've had the best luck with teachers so far. They've all been incredible and we've loved all of them.

Perry must've thought it was the weekend and did not want to wake up Friday morning. I even tried bribing her with donuts, but she said no.

That afternoon, we headed for Yorba Linda to spend the weekend with the Unertls. The girls slept the whole way, and Grace even snored.

We went to their house for dinner before heading to our hotel for the night and then met back up with them for coffee and breakfast. We stopped by Target on the way to meet them, and Isaac had to get Jakson and Jase some boy toys since he rarely gets to buy them. Jakson loved the Black Panther mask and wore it all morning.

We found a really pretty mural on the wall next to Whole Foods, so we had to get a picture of the kids in front of it.

We went to Fashion Island for lunch and shopping, and the kids had a blast. They played in every fountain we came across, skipped around the koi pond, and ate ice cream sundaes.

The day really tuckered out the girls, so we went back to the hotel for a nap before heading over to the Unertls for dinner.

Kasie made us some yummy strawberry lemonade (vodka) drinks and made them fancy with muddled strawberries.

The kids ate together and had the best time running around the back yard. 

We played Cards of Humanity, which had us dying of laughter all night, and Perry and Jase joined in at the end to play "I'm Gunna Win!".

The kids watched a movie, and Perry kept flirting with Jakson, which was the cutest. 

We spent all day Sunday at the beach in Newport having the best time, because how can you not when you're in Newport?! We had so much fun with the Unertls this weekend, and we're so glad we got to spend some extra time with them.

We went back to the hotel Sunday night and ended up buying tickets to the first Stanley Cup playoff game with Matt and Frannie, because we had to. It's a once in a lifetime experience, right? How many opportunities are we going to have to cheer our team on to win the freaking Stanley Cup?! (Hopefully a lot, but that was our rationale.) We couldn't wait for Monday night!

See you next week! Go Knights Go!!

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