Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Blue Lightning Wins the Championship off Grace's Goal Kick in the Shootout (Proud is an understatement!)

I took Grace to the orthodontist Monday morning to get fitted for her expander. We have to go back for more impressions, but they put her front four braces on. I took her back to school, and she said everyone loved them and wanted to sit by her. 

When I picked Perry up from school, she kept asking for Auntie and Uncle and Kait Kait and Ava. This girl loves to play with her cousins.

We got to the girls' school a little early, and I got to watch the end of their Kinder Dance Party. They were all so cute!

The girls got their yearbooks that day, and Perry wanted a book since they were looking through theirs on the way home. Gracie found her a Dr. Seuss book, and everyone was happy.

Perry played on her iPad when we got home and took some silly pictures.

Another day, another Knights playoff game.

The Unertls came over for dinner, and the kids had so much fun playing together. I just love these guys so much, and I love that our girls have so much fun with Jakson and Jase. It was nice to spend the evening with our best friends. We used to do Friday night dinners all the time before they moved to California. It makes my heart happy every time we get to see them since it's not as often anymore. What's that saying? "It's not the quantity but the quality" of the time we get together.

Meanwhile, the Knights were inside winning.

The next morning, Perry did her make-up with me as I got ready for work.

Charley got dressed for her Kinder program and looked so cute.

Gracie looked so big before school with her braces. I can't believe how fast this girl is growing up.

Charley was the star of the show (not biased at all) and did such a good job playing a wide mouthed frog in their musical.

After their program, the kids sang "First Grade, First Grade" which is always adorable.

Charley officially "graduated" from Kindergarten, and we are so proud of her. The best part was at the end when they showed a slide show of all the kids throughout the year. At the end, they showed pictures of them each holding a sign saying what they want to be when they grow up. All of them said firefighter, police officer, doctor, attorney, and then there's Charley. Her sign said "landscaper". I almost choked, I was laughing so hard. Her teacher said she wants my job. I'm the CFO of a landscaping company, so she said landscaper. It was awesome!

The also had 'S'unglasses Day at school, and her teacher sent me this cute picture.

Charley worked out on Daddy's new row machine after school.

Perry was being a goofball in the bath, as usual.

We were getting ready to watch the Knights game, and apparently Gracie was upstairs making a video. I found this on her phone a week or so later.

We cheered the Knights on to victory over the jets...again.

(This is the mascot from the Las Vegas Thunder - an old hockey team that Las Vegas used to have when I was a kid.)

Perry goofed off while the girls did gymnastics.

The girls all did homework together after dinner.

The girls' school sends home these Apple Core bookmarks that we have to sign off on every time they complete fifteen minutes of reading. Once they get signatures on all of the apples, they get prizes. Gracie's class earned an apple dipping party, so they got to celebrate on Friday.

Isaac and I got tickets to Friday night's game, so we dropped the girls off at Grandma Sunshine's house before heading to the arena.

We had the best time yelling for our Knights, and they won, which put them up 3-1 in the series!

We picked Grace and Perry up after the game, but Charley stayed at Grandma's house. Grandma took her to the Apricot Festival at Gilcrease Orchards, where they met up with Stef and the kids. She had so much fun and loved getting some alone time with Grandma and Papa Craig.

Grace had to come home because she had a soccer tournament Saturday morning. Her team won their morning game, and we went to my dad's house afterwards. He has a bee hive, and I got to put on the suit and go check it out with him. I was a little nervous, but it was so cool to see them up close working together on their hive.

When we got home, Perry snuggled up to me and fell asleep.

We headed back to the field for Grace's second game, and she was so ready to get out there.

Perry shared cashews with Poppa.

The other team scored with thirty seconds left to send the game to a shootout. It's was Grace's first OT game, and she made her kick to help win the championship! It was so much fun. I felt just as excited and anxious as I do during the Knights games. We are so proud of this girl and all she's done in soccer this year.

Sunday morning we headed to Toshiba Plaza outside the arena for the Knights watch party. It was uber hot, but we had the best time.

Ava and Perry were not fans of Chance, but he loved them.

The girls got up on the big screen during almost every time out, and they felt like super stars.

The Knights won the Western Conference Championship, and we're headed to the freaking Stanley Cup Finals!!!

Sitting out there in the Vegas heat was 100% worth it when we got to celebrate and high five all of the fans gathered out there. It is so incredible that our first home team is headed to the finals in their very first season. We headed to Dick's after the game, because they had been promoting that they were going to stay open late and have the conference championship shirts for sale. It was insane in there, but we got our shirts and towels and chanted "Go Knights Go" more than a few times.

We grabbed dinner at the food court afterwards, and I think Perry was a little delirious.

What a way to end our week! Congrats, boys. We'll be ready to cheer you on when you get home!!

See ya next week!

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