Sunday Funday at the Beach

We headed to Yorba Linda, CA for Memorial Day weekend to spend some much needed BFF time with the Unertls. After a fun day with them on Saturday, we decided to head to Newport on Sunday for a beach day. Our family is full of early risers, so we were pretty much the first ones on the beach and had it all to ourselves for hours, which was marvelous.

We got a parking spot right in front and got everything set up for the day. We had to hang our Knights towels up to show them off.

Perry loved playing in the sand and filled her bucket up a million times that day.

Grace and Charley loved playing in the waves and trying to run from them.

It was so calm and quiet, which let us just enjoy ourselves and our surroundings.

Grace and Charley were the seashell hunting champs and found quite a few large ones and even some whole sand dollars.

Char played this game with Perry, and they had me cracking up the whole time, because neither of them could catch the ball.

Perry was a little curious of the water after watching her big sisters run right in to it, so I took her to the shoreline to check it out. Last year she was terrified of the waves.

She didn't love them this year, but she didn't cry. We wrote her name in the sand, and when she was over it, she made her way back to Daddy.

Meanwhile, these two splashed, jumped, and cartwheeled all over the beach.

A couple of hours in, we spotted some dolphins playing in the water. We see them pretty much every time we are in Newport, and we get just as excited every time. It's so cool to see them in the wild just playing right in front of you.

The girls built sand castles and snacked while enjoying the sun that finally came out from behind the clouds.

Perry started to get sleepy and hung out with Daddy before laying down with Mommy for a bit.

Grace and Char made a friend and had fun playing in the waves and digging holes in the sand.

These two just hung out on the blanket together. Perry loves her Daddy so much, and she's definitely his little sidekick. Just look at the way she adores him.

We played in the sand some more before the girls found a sand crab by the water and brought it up to show Perry.

It was pretty cool to watch it back its way down into the sand to bury itself.

We spent some more time playing before the Unertls arrived.

We had so much fun playing with them and spent a lot of time getting soaked in the water while searching for sand dollars and seashells. I even got taken out by a big wave at one point, and I immediately looked up at Isaac hoping he got it on video - he didn't.

Perry finally went down for a nap mid-snack. I love that this girl will sleep anywhere.

I tried to take a picture of Grace, and a wave snuck up and got her. Her face made me laugh as she spit out salt water.

After a long day on the beach, we went back to the hotel and showered before heading to the Unertls for pizza. The kids had fun playing together before we had to say good-bye as we were heading back home early the next morning.

We played face swap, while waiting for everyone to get ready for bed, and we were all laughing so hard at the pictures.

The girls brought home the coolest assortment of shells to add to our growing collection.

Newport is one of our favorite places to go, and we always have the best time. It's even better when we get to spend the day with such great friends. It's always hard to leave, and we already can't wait to go back!

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