Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Happy Memorial Day!

Monday was Memorial Day, and Isaac and I had the day off work. We took the girls to Cornerstone Park to see the Field of Honor, and they were in awe when they saw all of the flags. Each one stands for a hero in someone's life, so we talked about who our heroes were while walking around the field. They loved walking through the flags, and then they saw the baby ducks, and that's all they cared about. We followed the ducks all the way down to the water, and Perry wanted to swim with them.

This was one of the twenty pictures I took trying to get a good one of all four kids. (Notice Isaac's foot in Perry's face.)

When we got home, the kids played Four Square outside with Daddy. Soon, all of the neighborhood kids were outside playing Four Square. It was so much fun!

Brother napped in his car seat, while Perry colored with sidewalk chalk.

A bit later, the kids switched from Four Square to street hockey. They did a tournament with teams of two, and Isaac thought he was so cool when his team beat all of the kids' teams.

Brother continued to nap the day away. He loves to be outside and always either passes out or just chills and looks around.

All of that playing outside was hard work, and Brother napped with Daddy on the couch.

Perry snuggled with Baby Brother while they watched movies in bed.

I went back to work on Tuesday, and Brother slept in the rock 'n play all day.

We went to Charley's end of season soccer party at her coach's house. Baby hung out, while the girls all swam in the pool. Char's team got cute bags and water bottles instead of trophies this year, which I thought was a great idea.

Daddy dressed Brother before work on Wednesday, and he looked so cute in his little hoodie jumper.

We had to do a quick outfit change after he spit up all over it.

Back at home, I spent lots of time snuggling with him, because I didn't get to during the day.

He napped in his Moba basket, which Isaac calls the Noah basket. I had to remind him that Noah built an ark, not a basket.

We did some more snuggling at bed time.

He did great in the rock 'n play on Thursday, as well.

We had his one month check up after work, and since we had to do the second PKU, we pushed the shots off until next month.

Perry sat next to me while I fed Brother.

He hung out in his DockATot.

We went to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's for dinner to celebrate Ashley's birthday, and Auntie Stef got some snuggles in.

Daddy held Brother after he woke up Saturday morning.

This belly is unreal.

We went to Kait Kait's dance recital, and the girls loved watching all of the dancers.

I hung out with the kids at home, while Isaac went to Elijah's bachelor party that night.

Almost right after he left, Perry and Charley hit heads, and Perry got this nice shiner under her eye.

We sat outside, while the kids played street hockey.

I gave Brother a bath, and we went to bed early.

Perr's eye didn't look any better the next morning and actually got more black.

She played in my room with her Minnie phone, and I was cracking up listening to her.

I sat on the floor with baby to do a little tummy time, and this kid rolled over already. I couldn't believe it!

 Rolling over was hard work, and he was sleepy, so we napped in the La-Z-Boy afterwards.

Then he woke up and spit up on his clothes again. He's really good at spitting up just enough for it to run down and soak the top of his shirt.

He napped some more.

We played on the floor with some toys and read some books. Perry loves to sit with him while I read. He has three books in his toy basket, and she always wants me to read them over and over again while she holds his hand. It's kind of my favorite thing right now.

Gracie went to her very first concert with her friend, Peyton. They went to see Kidz Bop at The Smith Center, and she had the best time ever! (Thanks so much for inviting her, Tiffany.)

Meanwhile, we celebrated Beckham's birthday with a pool party at the Lukses.

Another fun week down. See ya next time!

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